Sunday, December 8, 2013



why does no one ever mention felixs goddamn braid/feather things holy shit
i mean

but also

suprised by how much i liked pan!henry from an acting view. . . still wasnt perfect but better than i thought
very much like henry!pan but that could be because ROBBIE KAY being an innocent little kid and fuck.

 also just saying here, charming is so much more forgiving then little miss 'snow white' and its like fucking 'scuse you honey.

i relly want to go just read panlix pron bu ti CANT because ive read all the fic
and theres not even than many writers for it that write straight up porn and auuguh why

i really want some that play more with the fact of these are kids with no one looking over them ever it doesnt need to be those deep ones of oh my gosh back story or those that tak advantage of the lotf-ness that ouat puts into peter pan  -- just sort of the kidish things like sweet-tooths or wrestling around, pure fun adventures. augh.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

i really glad with the popularity felix/pan has gotten
just because oh my gosh the fics the edits the plylists holy shit
and yes
neverland husbands me gustaaaa
great ship name yes people gosh

Sunday, November 17, 2013

So i have a weird 'system'of sorts to typing up reall ylong reports

starign word
staing to type
getting bored so i find a playlist
getting really into typing
gettting really into the playlist(sometimes dancin/singing/and or crying)
spell check everything
kinda having to pee
gets new water bottles instead
get kind horny
get really distracted
finally pee
apparently write on neglected blog
and finally
rinse wash and repeat until completing report


i have issues

my spanish teacher is quite attractive.

fucking needs to watch what he says because i can not pay attention is you are saying spank instead of space nd whip for what ever reason
or necesita lavarse porque youre dirty  becuase\fsidofhoiajsdfa\


funny story thought he was gay but then he was mormon so ja guess not fuck

fuck virgin verbs fuck you

he has alot of baody hair is really white and tall and i want to die augh sdfghkjl;

Saturday, November 9, 2013



3 YEARS  AGO?????

i never knew what it was called, i just downloaded it accidentally and aerydtygihjkl

found an eR playlist that has it and now i justfghjkl;
thank you
thakn you who ever

Sunday, October 13, 2013

so serious once upon a times neverland is fuckin great like holy shit,
mix of peter pan and lotf, i just, fuck
what are they aged even
15 to 17?????
fuck its great i just cant
but really
i was hoping to have sort of  the "traditional" lost boys
like i was hoping "felix" would be slightly (because fuck i love slightly ani mean, i see him as peters second in comand alot f the time or like, he like to act as such,) and that the boy emma stopped attacking would be like toodles or something you know.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

so in english were reading this book on the Vietnam war

and we all had to choose a name out of a hat, and after we finish the book we have to write an essay about them,
and the one i got is the guy who, so far, has not really thought or said or possessed anything significant,

save for the fact all he does is think about this girl he had gone out with once.
all that its been so far, think about the girl, read her letters, lick the envelope, jack off abit probably i mean really, regret regret regret he didnt do more than kiss her that one night that hed actually done something


im just
are you fucking kidding me?
ive just been getting over my obsessiveness with previous persons,
in which i was  sort of like this - except worse in the fact id never done more then short conversations at the most.
and i  get this character, by fucking chance
are you kidding me

Monday, September 16, 2013

wisdom teeth

oh and yeah
go the wisdom teeth out august 30th.


well not that much i mean

after i got ice packs

missed lots of school
got depressed for no reason for a while

good now

follow up thursday on my teeth

yeah i havent been doing much just school you know


wisdom teeth out and out but
got a follow up

thats it.

Friday, August 23, 2013

also ive just seen that a person isnt going to my school any more

i cant stop being depressed over it

and i hate it

im not allowed to care about it
you know

i just shouldnt
its not good
its not healthy
its slightly obsessive
and i hate hate hate it
and i just

how do you stop obsessing over caring about thinking of  a person?
people with talent make me feel like shit

cos ive really got like zero talent what so ever

and then i feel like shit for feeling like shit


its so bad

my friends keep singing in the halls in like, these beautiful quartets and playing the guitar and its just so nice

and i just sit there
and really
try not to cry because holy fuck

i can do nothing

im just

Saturday, August 10, 2013

ohhhh myyyyy sdfgsdhjkdls

I just translated a romeo and juliet quote into vulcan

no i just translated it to modern english to the grammar(literal) form for vulcan, to fucking vulcan
so i can but it on my binder

part of me is glad that i can do that

the other is ashamed that i did

Wednesday, August 7, 2013



okay so tomorrow im going to do the AP notes ((ps YES i got AP but also FUCK because they didnt tell me i was even considered like she said they would so i have to get a booooook ffffuck))
friday im gonna set up my Binder and shit ((so finding the old Moosen, eh? cover cos its awesome and im gonna do some Vulcan Calligraphy (dude its really pretty dont judge) scripts to use on the front. either my names or some proverb/phrases OR maybe just "to boldly go . . ."))
saturday i must watch the first star trek movie
sunday wrath of kahn
monday dude just sleep
fucking sleep
tuesday i fucking hate school fuck

also got school schedule today and
i dnt know anything about the teachers
i have APUSH 4th period with my cousin so fuck yesss i finally have a class with one of my friends yeah
but a slightly annoying fellow is in my english class 3rd period
i got haley ((any one remember freshman year intro to science?? i had her for like a month before i transferred. really dislike herrrrrr)) for bio (which btw taking again because she wouldnt give me like 2 points to get a C bbut hey what everrrr) first
 i got maths 5th but im changing the class cos i managed to pass but i dont know if theyll have room
got psychology 6th (fuck yess maaaan)
and spanish last i hate everything.
but heeeeeeeey

last year spanish and maths hopefully

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the overlooked (TeenWolf)

yo so i dont have a lot to say about teen wolf
except i really wanted blake to be paige

also i really liked that they actually had stiles try to do the thing with the bat and the scene was really cool
but really davis you couldnt have had that do more
i think stiles should have had a really weird comment or question right after it just to throw the twins off,
like i was thinking something about danny cos then both would be shock cos wtf, and aiden might be upset with ethan which would probably weaken them

i dunno

also good job stiles someone finally fucking realized 'guardians'
also i really liked the tihng with him just sort of being 'what if we are useless' just because i can really relate to that sort of thing. though how they did it, it didnt really flow into the episode as well as it could have.

also damn it i knew cora was gonna be a sterek hale replacment
but dude all they been saying all season is 'yup shes a hale' 'yup shes related to derek'
and its just
fuck dude
still shipping sterek
also cora has kind of grown on me though i do feel shes a bit thrown in still just cos
oh look sister that i thought died
how crazy

so this episode went by really quick for me and i dont have much to say

ive been listening to The Neighbourhood a lot recently
and its all really good
you should definitely check them out

i especially dig Afraid, but all of its really good and has a really great feel.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

so like,
the sterek/ denifer  parallels
well if blake is paige
and just sort of
crazily going after the alphas and derek (not to say she doesnt have reason because holy fuck, but still, slightly crazy with the killing)
and having derek, i dont know, fall in love??? or well at least date her,
it totally stands to reason that she stalked him a bit, yes?

so the  parallels  could totally been made by her intentionally right
or well

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

the girl who knew too much (TeeeeeenWoooollff)

dont even know

lovin' danny and ethan tbh like jfc
but aiden and ethan i just sort of

also i dont know what theyre trying to do with lydia and scott and isaac and alison
i mean
isaac is sccotts brro he cant take his chick
and scott, whoa, thats the chick your bff has crushed on forever really,
unless i guess sterek  i guess thatd work but still

scott and lydia i jus tdont like ???????

also lydia holy fuck

except im glad the teacher was the darach
just cos it sort of makes the lack of development okay
shes paige, of course shes paige  jfc. damnit

this episode sort of made alot of the crappyness of the others sort of okay tbh
i feel like the next episode is going to kill me okay

stilinski family feels
stiles and derek , the possibilities.

sorry i just
one track mind sorry

Saturday, July 27, 2013

so ive just been thinkgin about my friends recently and
i just

well its because some times my friends are fairly underwhelming in some aspects
i just
i think all i really really want
is a person i can just sort of
theorize/ debate with were were in an understanding level
enough to were, im not being judged too much,
pitied /patronized,
or they think im trying to start and argument
because generally each of my current friends will think one of these things

and i mean
i can get certain people to talk about certain topics for a bit if theyre in the right mood but
trying to find this specific is
not great
i just really want a person i can talk to really deeply about any weird
"what if we were in a world where. . ." things to
really deep religion or moral or anything

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Visionaryyyy (teenwolffff)

yo okay so
i just watched this this morning
i actually liked it
like my standards were low, i heard it wasnt that good
bu ti liked it

I dont pay attection to like promos or trailers or anything cos i dont like to spoil it,
so i thought paige was young kate and i really liked that because the actress is really awesome on those 2 episodes of supernatural  but hey

also yaay young peter is back
young peter is still super attractive fuck
and young derek is cute
but we knew tht he had to be right
that one scene were peter was peeping on them in the distillery
does this mean we might get some really creepy up slightly fucked slightly incesty  voyeur peter fics
because i wouldnt be against it at all

also gererd
why is he even still alive

now i feel bad for deucalion
he was cute
he is cte
he wascuter

scene with baby derek getting his face shoved into the ground was slightly attractive ngl

i still really want some morestiles and derek interaction

or more fucking character in ms blake fuck

stupid gender silly check list thing so yooo

Male side:

[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[] Dogs are better than cats.
[x] It's hilarious when people get hurt.
[x] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[x] Shopping is torture.
[x] Sad movies suck.
[x] You own an X-Box.
[x] Played with Hotwheels cars as a kid.
[] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[x] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[] You watch sports on TV.
[] Gory movies are cool.
[] You go to your dad for advice.
[] You own, like, a trillion baseball caps.
[x] You like going to football (soccer) games.
[] You used to/do collect hockey cards.
[x] Baggy pants are cool to wear.
[] It's kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[] Sports are fun.
[/] Talk with food in your mouth.
[x] Wear boxers.

Male Points Total = 14 1/2

Female side:

[] You wear lip gloss.
[] You love to shop.
[] You wear eyeliner.
[] You have some of the same shirts in different colors.
[] You wear the color pink.
[x] Go to your mom for advice.
[x] You consider cheerleading a sport. (when done properly not my highschools BS. flips 'nd shit and jumps)
[] You hate wearing the color black.
[x] You like hanging out at the mall.
[] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[x] You like wearing jewelry.
[] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[] You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
[x] It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories.
[x] You smile a lot more than you should.
[] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[x] You care about what you look like.
[] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[x] You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
[x] You wear girl underwear.
[x] Used to play with dolls as little kid.
[] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
[] Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored.

Female Total Points=10

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

went to paso  midstate fair
was hot as fuck
i didnt eat anything all day til like 5
(that burger was bomb tho like fuck)
it was fine
you know
would have been great to go with friends
the dudes in paso
when not groups of douche
are pretty nice in the face
the girls were too, last year, but theyve all seemed to evolve to sluts and i just
no im just going to laugh at the fair-sluts

my  uncles house is so fucking fine tho
like damn
bed was
and i just
it was nice
the houses in paso are nice
their 'ghettos' look like old60s-ish suburbs architecture
with like a mix of Hispanic culture
and then
they actually were built in the 60s because they just
were a bit
they should have been better maintained

i got my dave shirt too

also i was at the powells down in paso and just
fuck you hot peopel why do you have to work at places i go
now i have to talk to you
and they usually joke around cos theyre all confident in themselves and shit
just fuck you

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

there is a surprising lack of online dating/Catfishing Au fics for homestuck and im so upset

i really want a John/Dave
well at least online dating,
but at most a type of catfish fic
i dunoo
id really want Dave to be the one whod lie to John just cos Johns to dorky to care

but then also Dave
well dave tries to be cool so
he might lie just to seem cooler right


someones probably already come to this conclusion bu tfuck you 

so metattron closed the gates to heaven to kick out all the angels right?
supposing that the closing part was for real, and it wasnt just expelling all the angels

so Death cant get his souls where they need to go
so he'll be pissed right

theyre gonna have to team up with Death
Death will team up with them

Im so excited
when ever Death is involved its and interesting time and it great
im so ready

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

currents (teen wolf)

yeah essentially just the same cooing over lahey cos damn
boy be cute

but also
remember last week when boyd almost died and then i almost murdered everyone because DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IVE WAITED TO SEE HOW HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPED
that happened
and i mean
are you fucking kidding me
youve finally given me  more of him
only to kill him in the next fucking episode

also shipping danny/ethan with an increasing intensity.

also what the fuck derek "im going to rip your throat out with my teeth"
no stop it i fucking swear

still havent developed his girlfriend yet
fuck you guys

okay so i actually liked this episode watching it but now
now its just
fuck you
this episode just fuck
fucking shit

lydia and stiles though like yay

cora tho
cora fuck you

ericas actor (gage, i believe????) was really. slightly. bad. in that one scene
also i cuoldnt understand boyd WHEN HE WAS FUCKING DIEING
but i really likeddereks emotion like im glad they decided to show he actually gave a  shit

Star trek web belt

That i would love to have
or at least have in existence

because i was tihnking about, well wanting a star trek belt,
wondering how a great one, or one i would want at least, would look.
so i was thinking of TOS kirks web belt, with the insignia on its side as the belt buckle

and then thinking of what would be on it,
i figured the opening
and at first i figured all would be to long,
so the quotes to have would be
"space, the final frontier"
"to boldly go where no man has gone before"
and the last one
id think was perfect because its a belt
you get me?

so im just left at
how do i make this happen because WANT

and any way if youve seen the doctor who belts with something like "dont worry im a doctor"
it(with font considered) looking something like that

(((kirks web belt btw:

Sunday, July 14, 2013


i just
having a stupid stupid stupid
amount of body dysphoria right now
like holy fuck

yesterday i was just feeling a bit weird getting dressed to go to a friends thing
like nothing just felt right

and today i woke up
and fuck
its just so

i took a really long shower and just redressed in something kind of more
i dont know
and im just trying to busy myself
not think about it
shit im running out of shit to do

and its just not the usual body dysphoria i get (usually only when im on my period if at all so this is really weird tbh and i dont know???)

but also just
 i dont want to move
i dont want to talk
it feels like somethings just
clasped around my throat  and my mouth is full and
thinkin about it kind of
it doesnt feel right
and usually, under my body dysphoria id like someone just to be there to hug and
now i just
dont want anyone around
i want every one gone.
i feel like if someone even touches me ill explode
and if people are there ill have to talk and i cant do that

my grandma called me earlier to see if i wanted to have dnner with them
and i cant even call her back
id really like to have dinner with them, we dont have anythnig here and id like some chinese food,
but i dont want to be around her she just always hugs me and wants to talk bu t i just

shit i dont know

iwant to eat and ask my sister how longs shes going to be here
but i dont want to move
i feel like if i move ill feel even more dysphoric again and i really really dont want that
and if  i get up  we dont even have any food
so why even?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shake it by metro station always subtly reminded me of rape

in a situationwere the dude is, like, off,
were he thinks its
i dunno
not rape, but near foreplay
or just
hard to get
or something really stupid like that
but likeyeah
its really bad because ive always liked the sound of the song
but the lyrics throw me off so much



i love
so much

i wanna know what the fuck was up with ethan though like jfc
also, only thing i could think with boyd, when we'd thought he'd died was HOLY SHIT THAT IS NOT OKAY DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN WAITING TO SEE YOU ACTUALLY DEVELOP THIS KIDS CHARACTER?!?!?!!? NO. NO, FUCK THAT IS NOT OKAY
and then they brought him back and i was just
 hes feet were out.     you could have just lit a lighter. on his fucking toe.
but you know
oh mygod lahey
lahey i feel so bad fo ryou oh my god
you cutie
you dont deserve that
when lydia was looking under the bed i was just
oh my god lydia you dont do that bad things jump out at people who do that oh my god you girl you so braveee but no dont
and then it ended up jus tbeing scared lahey
and i was just
i was expecting terrifying and you gave me sadly adorable fuck you

im glad for the things we learned about boyd but i want more

also chris argent you hottie
but gerard or what ever the fuck

also derek and the teacher lady
i wasnt really hating it before.
but i did say the first meeting was cheesy as fuck (because it was)
i just
no me gusta
youve met like what.
3 times including this episode? never been on a date.
now your
doing all this
i mean
do you even properly know each others names?
i dont remember the teachers name
you have barely developed a character here let alone a fucking relationship!!!!!
its just
i hate the relationships like that
i mean  really
i was hoping theyd develop it first

in closing
lydia i love
Lahey you so q
boyd im glad im getting to know you also intense way to try and kill yourself 
Ethan what the fuck

Sunday, July 7, 2013



 we get school schedules
in a month
august 7th



my cross bracelet snapped today and it sucked so bad




another thing i want to see season 9 of supernatural

cas forgetting he has to sleep
you know he didnt have to

so he just sort of keeps going and going and going
and jsut
just in the middle of some confrontation or fight or what ever with who ever

he just
passes out

and dean like jsut
wtffffff cas asdfyhjgkhfgf;l;dsfdjkhghhhjklll;kkjjhhxkvjlfdcxv,mx.lkfdddm,xvc.
majorly freaks out
and then after is just like
wth you dumb ass not fucking sleeping
how many times have you even watched me sleep
you didnt think that was fucking necessary
now that your human

and the human thing is just like
oh shit fuck shouldnt have said that goddamn
because of course its a touchy subject
im mean goddamn


Monday, July 1, 2013


k so really right now all i really want to do

all that i can think about???
is just like



id kind of be just happy enough to just see this one kid
from my school
this one blonde kid
which would tell you nearly everything if you went to me school
(i hope you dont go to my school)
(that'd be embarrassing)
(because this is pathetic as hell)

(but i cant stop thinking about it)
(s i have to get it out there)

and like


i cant fucking stop thinking
pretty much everything to do with this guy

and its so hopelessly pathetic
 I fucking hate
not being able to stop thinking

once and i while i wouldnt mind
i mean
its less pathetic
i tihnk of random people once and a while and its what ever
but its like fucking constantly
in the back of my mind
looping through
fuckin 24/7

not great wording but fuck you

fuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell
(he has a reall ynice face and is nicely fit and a prettyprettyprettysmile and mouth and lips goddamn and just
his nipples are nice too did i mention that because i thnkk about it alot its so stupid i just
did you know averagely lips/nipples/head of penis have the same color apparently? is this fact?(also i was watching star trek and dude chris pine i know his lips arent normally that fucking pink as wow but all i could think was like if this is fact i dont know if i should laugh/cry/stare in awe cos damn bro) id like to know because im pathetic as a fucking

whats something really pathetic
like the most pathetic thing you can think of????
the only thing i cant think of is me so

pathetic as me i guess



not bringing computer though
so probably not writing anything

maybe though,
cos im bringing my ipod

might write up for teen wolf




beat that motherfucker

with rick macy

of in the flesh

(it knows kieren)

so fuck you man


so ive been messing around with  this today

(and one time, i could of sworn that i had it ( i wasdoing hussie) but fuck, nope. it got it.)

but like 4 times itssaid
"Guessed right one more time;  i know who you are thinking of, but i believe this is not for children"
and its just
fuck you
no you dont


Sunday, June 30, 2013

im thinking abou tso much dick its starting to cause me pain

i tihnk im causing my self mental scars

because i cant
stop thinking

the fuckign
i hate you universe 

id pay serious money to see chris pine and zachary quinto fuck

like damn bro
kay in all honesty i just really want kirk to blow spock cos damn

So is it weird that a definitely want spock to be the one penetrating kirk,

but in all other circumstances, Kirk has to be more dominate

the fact im so admit about thes positions with  this ship

like i mean
i usually have the things i preferfor ships
but damn

this is like
it must be this way.

okay so im literally jut thinking about a lot of sex right now
and it totally sucks

and its fucking ridiculous
and pathatic
really really pathatic

and  i fucking hate it

but mostly because i usually love this shit
ill just sit and ponder
about all this

I fucking entertain myself just fucking Thinking about this shit and i literally mean just thinking

i will sit in a boring as fuck room
and wonder about that guys cock
or what if this dude and thatdude fucked
and just
but fuck


dont you hate it when your reading a smut fic and someone asks you to do something
and you cant say no so its just yeahwhat ever okay

and then next thing you fucing know your cooking someones fucking pasta for like 20 minutes

just thinking
i dont give ashit about your bloody linguine
all i give a shit about is spock passionately fucking the shit out of kirk  you hear me ?

fuuuuucking hell i hat e evneerytihnghkkdfhsfdgs



no but really fuck me

Saturday, June 29, 2013


i hate emotions

i need a feelings jam like right fucking now

but its like 1 in the fucking morning and my friend doesnt pick up her phone during the goddamn day

i feel like all my friends just know what theye fucking doing
like theyve got a purpose or some shit
or talent

or fuck
jsut something to do with theyre lives.

and yeah thats ridiculous
because one has fallen into a depression
the other is curious about black magic (though i think ive talked him out of it??)
and the other thinks shes like useless for some fucking reason

but fuck
all done shit with their lives
and we're only like 16

they know what they want to do
psychology and shit with writing
writing and filmmaking
writing and biology

and theyve all got school going so fucking well for them
and they know what theyre doing even withnot specifically thefuture

one just writes all the goddamn time
and theyve all got jobs
and lives


even if  some of my friends 'dont know what theyre doing with their lives'
theyve got the skills to fucking wing it
fucking boyscout schmoozing skill and knowing people and being able to fucking talk and do shit
and singing, writing, teaching, being a fucking normal, good person, being able to fuckign talk

im quickly falling into nothing and i cant fucking even

Friday, June 28, 2013

so this  is really stupid and
ill probably just delete it later if i see it

i hate having just bouts of being completely not turned on or horny or sexual in any way,
and it being just so completely perfect, and great, and just wow. thank god.

And then just
life plunging back into the fact of
ur gunna b horny now kay
just like
fuck off
go away
do not wanttttt

I just realized what i really want from season 9

I really
really just want Dean to beat the shit outta metatron
(by beat the shit outta i mean generally really gets back at him, not specifically in a literal 'beat the shit outta', but in some way. beats the holy fucking shit outta metatron.)
for taking castiels grace(and causing all the angels to fall, but mainly caSTIEL) because fuck
he trusted you man
we trusted you more than we normally would anyone in  your place

i just really want dean to be really furious at this guy for hurting Cas like that
you feel?

Im reading this fic, Veritas, and holy shit

has it got some of the best dialog i swear to god

just some of the dialog between kirk and mccoy i just cant

all time favorite sofar,
Did the bastard know that Spock was hot?
And he hadn't told Jim?



you can bet ill be writing more up on this later but just

Thursday, June 27, 2013

okay so  i tend to feel alot of the embarrassment for characters im  watching or reading or whatever
and this is reaally terrible because usually some of the best scenes will be totally embarrassing,
but fuuuuuuuuuck
it just
i try and
or fast forward
but the scenes are just ssooo good

so i end up really red or just covering my face


The Reason I Absolutly Hate Learning Spanish

(and I mean this with completely no offense to those who speak this language, enjoy this language, depend on this language, are Hispanic or Latino, anyone this can offend, i mean it completely in a way of having to learn it, for me, as opinion.)(and  i know that it can offend, rationally or not, I have felt pangs of (irrational) offense when people talk about why one language or another, that i enjoy, is terrible. so. Sorry to any offense i cause)

My teachers suck to start with.
one was pregnant  and out in the middle of the year, the other had some emotional hills due to personal reasons that caused her to be out for some time. So adjusting to new teacher, then sub(s), then the same old teacher just after you get used to the new one.
     Also one was a french teacher.

The whole idea of learning the language it speaking, where I can barely speak understandable english, especially not in front of a class or to a stranger. Writing i cant usually get used to after the first month or so,
but damn.
     also i plan for no use of spanish in my regular day-to-day life. Im only taking it because the choice is either french or spanish at my school and theres no way in hell that i'd get french right with all the accents and shit

Also it just irritates me that the sentences end up being long as fuck. seriously, almost all i do is trying to get things to be shorter when im talking to people, mainly because i take for ever to get the words out of my face, bust still. it normally just makes the sentences fucking long as shit when you go from english to spanish and its just

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbut its the one class i actually ever have people i eventually come to enjoy seeing so

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Primer for the Small Weird Loves by Richard Siken

 I have just discovered this and
I cannot even begin to say how much i absolutely adore it
 i think the first stanzas my favorite, maybe due to the fact i love mostly the first of anything, or the one i can have most relatablity(though very little still) or
I dunno but i really quite like it

The blond boy in the red trunks is holding your head underwater
because he is trying to kill you,
and you deserve it, you do, and you know this,
and you are ready to die in this swimming pool
because you wanted to touch his hands and lips and this means
your life is over anyway.
You’re in the eighth grade. You know these things.
You know how to ride a dirt bike, and you know how to do
long division,
and you know that a boy who likes boys is a dead boy, unless
he keeps his mouth shut, which is what you
didn’t do,
because you are weak and hollow and it doesn’t matter anymore.


A dark-haired man in a rented bungalow is licking the whiskey
from the back of your wrist.
He feels nothing,
keeps a knife in his pocket,
peels an apple right in front of you
while you tramp around a mustard-colored room
in your underwear
drinking Dutch beer from a green bottle.
After everything that was going to happen has happened
you ask only for the cab fare home
and realize you could have asked for more
because he couldn’t care less, either way.


The man on top of you is teaching you how to hate, sees you
as a piece of real estate,
just another fallow field lying underneath him
like a sacrifice.
He’s turning your back into a table so he doesn’t have to
eat off the floor, so he can get comfortable,
pressing against you until he fits, until he’s made a place for himself
inside you.
The clock ticks from five to six. Kissing degenerates into biting.
So you get a kidney punch, a little blood in your urine.
It isn’t over yet, it’s just begun.

Says to himself
The boy is no good. The boy is just no good.but he takes you in his arms and pushes your flesh around
to see if you could ever be ugly to him.
You, the now familiar whipping boy, but you’re beautiful,
he can feel the dogs licking his heart.
Who gets the whip and who gets the hoops of flame?
He hits you and he hits you and he hits you.
Desire driving his hands right into your body.
Hush, my sweet. These tornados are for you.

You wanted to think of yourself as someone who did these kinds of things.
You wanted to be in love
and he happened to get in the way.


The green-eyed boy in the powder-blue t-shirt standing
next to you in the supermarket recoils as if hit,
repeatedly, by a lot of men, as if he has a history of it.
This is not your problem.
You have your own body to deal with.
The lamp by the bed is broken.
You are feeling things he’s no longer in touch with.
And everyone is speaking softly,
so as not to wake one another.
The wind knocks the heads of the flowers together.
Steam rises from every cup at every table at once.
Things happen all the time, things happen every minute
that have nothing to do with us.


So you say you want a deathbed scene, the knowledge that comes
before knowledge,
and you want it dirty.
And no one can ever figure out what you want,
and you won’t tell them,
and you realize the one person in the world who loves you
isn’t the one you thought it would be,
and you don’t trust him to love you in a way
you would enjoy.
And the boy who loves you the wrong way is filthy.
And the boy who loves you the wrong way keeps weakening.
You thought if you handed over your body
he’d do something interesting.

The stranger says there are no more couches and he will have to
sleep in your bed. You try to warn him, you tell him
you will want to get inside him, and ruin him,
but he doesn’t listen.
You do this, you do. You take the things you love
and tear them apart
or you pin them down with your body and pretend they’re yours.
So, you kiss him, and he doesn’t move, he doesn’t
pull away, and you keep on kissing him. And he hasn’t moved,
he’s frozen, and you’ve kissed him, and he’ll never
forgive you, and maybe now he’ll never leave you alone.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


All I have to say is Isaac Lahey.

 Fucking derek though like what the hell man. not cool.
I just really want to know what the fuck was up with that
Also I want to place a small bid on cora isaac relations somehow.
Though i dont know how old sheis and thats a big detail so.

Im digging the more danny theyre putting in.

Also that teacher what the hell, hes always involved in this shit
and now im thinking its  some how illogically matt 
but thats not gonna happen so
 le sigh

I want my fucking adopted hale status isaac you fuckers

Saturday, June 22, 2013

went to warped tour today

at the shoreline.
It was alright, but, i didnt really have high hopes in the first place?
Im not to into the bands anymore so
got lots of free shit though so

thats cool

Ionly went to go properly listen to like four bands, the ones my friends liked.

the only one amanda liked, though, we just kind of stood in the very back of the crowd cos she was a bit to afraid to get really into it (which is fine i hate struggling through crowds)
it was oone of the better bands ihad to listen to, but , i cant remember the name.

My other friend had us go to like 3 of her bands.
the first one, I didnt really have an opinion of the music, it wasnt really bad or good or anything, but the crowd was the best; it was majority like 20ish year old people in the crowd, so they would properly mosh, yknow, and also keep up like, being good people and picking people up and making sure surfers didnt fall. (most the time. there were someguys that got dropped on unsuspecting chicks.) (My friend actually pissed me off at this cos she'd like elbow people from pushing her and it was just. really.. she also dropped a surfer almost, the guy behind her caught him(he was cool. one of those guys that make sure people arent being complete dicks.), but she just like completely moved.) (Felt kinda lame in this one cos i was holding my friend amanda, cos again, she was scared of falling annd shit so)
the last one she had us go to was Never Shout Never, which was lame. but                 fine
i suppose
 she had us go to, i think, sleeping with sirens(??), whose crowd straight up sucked.
It was a bunch of immature assholes, dropping, trampling, not helping people up, just pushing at people when trying to get out, they through shoes at the lead singer. they hit him in the face once. He stopped like 5 times to tell them to let people up, and it was really cool of him. they didnt really get to play much, which, to be honest, they seemed like cool people, and they played fine, and just. i didnt really dig it, their music.

We spent a nice amount of our time sitting up on the benches near the stage some of the kind of lesser known bands would play and just listen to them while playing hangman or something. It was cool, i liked their music alot actually.

so all in all
I dont know if id do it again, bacause people piss me off, and i dont really dig the big bands there.
But i might again,  because Free Shit, the cooler crowds, lesser known bands.

Also I really wanted to buy a hat there, But all the designs they had were really lame :T
I only spent $2 all day, and it was on a snapple cos the starbucks we were waiting at closed at 8(the only starbucks ive ever known to close that early) and 7-11 was right next to it and i had ran out of water.

Ive got sun burns on the tops of my shoullders adn a bit of a pink face.
im very tired.
i stupidly went to bed at like 3 or 4, woke up at 9, aaaaaaaaaaaaand
i usually sleep till like 2in the afternoon so

Friday, June 21, 2013

In the Flesh

Okay so if you havent watched this you totally should because its awesome.
totally completely awesome
and i wasnt expecting it

its only Three episodes so far, so really. watch it.

Also I really want some fic from before the rising and everything.
When kieren and rick were teens and such you know

Thursday, June 20, 2013



Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Poor lydia, and Stiles, and just. SIGGGH.

(the thingwith scott talking to Argent in the parking lot was funny i enjoyed it)

 unsure of how to feel towards alison,

SO when isaac was leaning up on the tree and argent was explaining tracking or what ever Isaac looked fairly attracted to the man and then an admiration ship was born. as like that i had shipped for Isaac on to scott last season. So ive decided isaacs realized Scotts a bro, moved on and now argent is attractive. because Argent is attractive. Also it distresses me slightly when i dont have anyone to ship people with. and now theres no erica and erica/boyd was canon before anyso sdfjkakdslf.
(still loving Isaac being and adopted Hale, since the season 2 finale. I WANT)

Also not digging Derek/Teacher chick, really just because, really could you make that anymore cliche. just. the whol scene where derek walks up tho the fucking fence gate thing with the light behind him just. wow. Force that on me you assholes. (also why woul dyou have the ripped up and bloody stranger go get the teacher in the first place? Why not send the clean students she probably knows?????)

Also, Virgins are dieing oh god we're doomed.


I watched this finally.
twas good.
but i kind of watched it at like one in the morning on sunday, i believe, so i cant remember exactly all that i wanted to say.
I remembered though that i liked a lot of the phrasing in the narration(? not really narration but, i dont know the opening and ending to it, i cant even man but it was good. it really came from what he was saying you know, the writing how you are and shit whatever you know. ?)
The animation, was cool, but odd. very very odd. i liked how ech thing flowed into the next.
every thing seemed very well for this

the oly thing i didnt like i show Franco read howl. I dont know if ginsberg ( unsure of name spelling to be honest) had actually read it that way, but, well.  its was weird. Understandable performance, though, if Ginsberg had read it that way.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

(i really need this fic like bad, but i cant find anything up to par anddddddd guhghgug
this vid here, from like, 3:22, and i just
i need that fic
so like 
i really need a dubcon, destiel ,master/slave dom/sub what ever the shit, sub!dean fic like i cant even 
i wish i could wriiite

ill look more  tomorrow.)

The Press of the Plunger

(KissTheBoy7, les mis umbrella.)
eR fic,
generally really hot but kind of sad at the same note, due to Grantaire jsut saying how much enjolras will probably hate him tomorrow.

(Grantaire lets Enjolras shoot up, and then generally molest him.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sleeping now because i cannot even begin to comprehend what the fuck is going on with all my goddamn fucking tabs and asdfjsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf
overload on eR porn sorry bye

oh my god im reading another fic featuring watersports i dont even 
I dont even find it hot at all bu tit features frottage and thats super hot at this author is amazing
KissTheBoy7 on AO3
those authors that are so good it doesnt matter what kink their writing as long as its a kink and is slightly hot just
watersports is so grooosssssss
I found a teacher/student eR fic

thank god

Hot for Teacher (such a simple name though :( )

Its NoT FinIShEd THouGHsdsdfsdjflaksdfasdfsadgfsdfsdlfkasdlfk

(Grantaires daydreams are nearly perfect, I swear. I feel him you know.)
(I feel like its almost the perfect dynamic. I mean, R's feelings towards enjolras, the terrible unrequited love or lust, could be quite similar to that of student to teacher, and the student is fine with being ignored or nearly degraded because its their teacher, ita what happens.
I dunno. I just think its somehow perfect.)

(oh and uh, yeah - the porn is fucking fantastic, too)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


(le amis de l'abc)
Got Grantaire 2 1/2 times
Courfeyrac 1/2 timesss
(the 1/2 because one of the questions my answer was either this or that and i checked both.(daydreaming of a single person was Grantaire, daydreaming of many was courfeyrac)
bossuet 1

(over all characters)
Eponine 1/2
jean valjean 1/2 (i have not a single fucking clue. really.)

(just the women)
Eponine 1/2
mme. Thenardier 1/2
(this is the apparent difference between what you do with $50)

(my 'theme song')
"bring him home" (even a question with three separate answers, I ended up with this so. i guess its me :T)

(enjolras  purity test)
36.7% like, 63.3% different

(Grantaire purity)
58.7% like, 41.5% different (oh god. i dont think this is specifically a good thing. even if i love the character.)

(what slash pairing. . . okay this is really just for stupid fun)
Javert/valjean (eeeeewwejwrjdksfjsdfno i dont even, how.)
enjolras/combeferre (the difference between this and ^that^ is apparently how much angst. this is apperently in doses, ^that^ is all angst. sdjfa)

And now I feel sufficiently lame for completing all these. Goodnight.

Monday, June 10, 2013


so i dont know if i said this last season but essentially i just really like the idea of isaac being like,adopted hale status.
cos like derek needs family isaac needs family peter.......... yeah.  (its also like 3 people nearly 3 different generations 3 different scales of personality and it fits with the familys 3 thing)

plus i really just kind of make everyone isaac likes older brother status
like scott too
isaac just has daddy issues and needs an older male figure in his life who wont really beat the shit putof him or abuse him bodily in anyway

i dont ship him with anyone but erica but that doesnt really happen any more ao

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

american idiot

saw it again with my friend today(6/6/13)
was in row C
yes. row C. thats usually  fucking ORCHESTRA PIT we were infront ofthe first row.
i was seat 1. dead center.
got a yellow guitar pic with like a turtle or something on it (its pretty faded)(my friend got a black american idiot one) i think it was like wills or someone to like the left of him causese yeah
also got back of my shirt signed by casey ofarrell(will), alex nee(johnny), and trent saunders(st jimmy) so awesome

saunders and ofarrell were really nice (it was weird with sainders cos you know hes st jimmy, and had the hair and you know. odd. super nice) and i was too mervous to talk to Nee because hes just sort of suprisingly really nice in the face(like i knew he was cute, same with the other guys but like, he was really striking u know.)
super cool.

EEEDDIIIY: Guitar pick was johnnys, I repeat, yellow = johnny i has yellow yay.
ways to excited dskjfalsdf

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Im really enjoying Burning Down the House how The Used perform it.

i think itd be really cool to know what sherlock holmes would be able to, like, see from looking at me?
Like you know in sherlock he just looks at a person and is like alskdflaksdjfkadhgdfg
it be cool.
and i mean like
I'd have some average things to worry about if it was in public
closet pervertedness
insecurities and shit
but like
it be pretty cool.

and to know specifically how you could see what you saw

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

American Idiot

Saw it for the first time today,
Was really really great.
Dude, my seat was fantastic, for me, too. We were Orchestra row 12 seat 4. damn perfect.
our johnny was john krause though so. He was actually really good though, so im wondering how the main guy who was suppose to play johnny is. (dude was pretty fit too, tbh.)
I really loved generally everything abut this? From staging to choreography, costumes, characters, details.
very very good.
All i can really say is go see it.
in one scene, i think it was 20b ((east 12th street) on the songs list, one of the guys pretty sure it was carson higgins, had a damn fine jacket. like damn. (also Carson Higgins like wow. (keep your hair styled up though okay, okay.))

so there were also alot of general old people at the show who get like the show season tickets at the theatre, and it was kind of funny hearing them talk about it. because generally they actualy liked it, but also like, they would talk about it like old people to so it was really funny.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Three Questions by lang leav


New Book! ‘Love & Misadventure’ by Lang Leav available here!

Religion-y-ish things

okay so while im catholic, and completely proud of my religion and loving of my God,  and believe he did create the universes, and there is only one God, I disagree with alot of the more. . . small details?
for instance (I dont know if everyone believes this or if its just one of the more seen features), the belief that only one of the most main-stream religions God is the actual God. I See it more as it is the same God - which it is, all the God of Abraham - Different, rules, per-say. ways to pray, beliefs of, etc.
   For instance, the belief God created the world in 7 days. I dont believe He said let there be this and then there was this. I believe it was more of. . . Saying this shall happen, and then this will cause this, and Finally create this. ((Giving also for the idea of 'fate' or 'destiny' or what ever you may call it - the idea God knows and controls what happens to us. I think its more of a 'Control these Check-Points.' sets up a beginning, middle(s) and End. What happens in between each, lesser so in control of.)) So back to the creation of the world/universe, this Also incorporates the physics, science, evolution, etc.
    I think the bible, like all Old Great Text, needs to be translated, to a more modern society. Like one would Shakespeare.Though of course also realizing that the text has been translated from other languages and age and dialect. its no longer face value, if it ever were. Because even if it was word of God, the Holy Spirit, it was still word written by a man. Sure, a man chosen by God, but still, As the words hit page, it  was already being translated from a holy speech, to general interpretations or  Cliff notes.

Now further more. I dont think all other older religions(of, in example, Greek, Roman, Norse, Aztec, etc) are myth, legend, or just bullshit. I think they all do hold relevance and truth. And if their gods were not just maybe great Kings or Rulers, or what ever have you, that had themselves coined as gods, they may have been, for those who were said to have powers, near superhumans. Or, well, Elites. And either they didnt have other words for this, or more likely, WE dont have better words for this. So, yes, I believe that many of these religions were based off maybe Rulers or men who thought them self better, or maybe just societies that found them to be this, and were worshiped, like we worship our God(s). but bottom line, i dont think they (all) were just stories picked from someones imagination. they had physicalities to them. Actual beings.

So. TO get to the point of all this,
  I think id like to experience the, Culture(?) Of ancient Greeks or Romans. Though, not exactly all of it. just, how society actually all was, not just what we find in books. How they  Actually did worship, or how often, not how much they were said to or suppose to (example, I (as a catholic) am suppose to go to church every sunday, sometimes wednesdays, Not eat meat (or fast) for lent, etc, etc). How things were actually conducted with people too, as for, well, okay so, how men were always suppose to be in an active, dominant type in typically any thing, as well as sex. then,  what would happen if it came out a man was submissive for a woman, how his neighbors would actually react ((ie, difference between Law and Government, and how your peers actually react)) and same with men in homosexual relationships. how these things were actually treated. I just, really want to know, as well, how people actually acted for their gods.

(((End note, I actually really tend to specify between my lower-case 'g' gods and upper-case 'g' God. as in, as for having lack of a better word for these 'elite' people in their society, they would call them gods. Superior to them, but not to the all higher force that is God.))

Monday, June 3, 2013

oaky but no i reall ykind of just want a really fluffy fluff fluffffffy like questionably platonic its so fluffy of athelstan and gyda because im majorly fucked up bu tyeah
or like jsust even
Athelstan trying to take care of/ watch bjorn and gyda and just kind of floundering around like
how to i cAre FOR NORSE CHILD WHO THINKS HES MAN though hes lik e watch 14 13 technical man and bloddy 11 12 year old girl HOW

ww okay bye
and then we almost completely crossed that line full out knowing that we shouldnt so obviously we stop before we go over the line completely so sadly you dont geany bloodgratifictaion from it but fuck all thats fine because goddamn it theres a bloody line but dear god your on that fucking line and shishould t have done that fuck fuck fick fuckfncimf cufk cufkflfncukf fickfncufmfi
dear God help me. mdkdmdkd
squirt is such a fucking gross sounding word jfc
its almost as bad as moist i fucking swear
i kind of just really wish i had a dick alright
like not even though realyy
cuz im completely fine wish identifyingas female and pronouns and shit
im fine writh my tits
i kind of am really into dudes yay penissss and your great fucking nipples and pectorals or ehatever the fuck and even though there is something to be said about the attractivness of some breasts, vaginas are just a deal breaker so yeah as a female i am straight

i kind pf just wish
i had adick

just an fyi written i. ipod at 2:48 am okay okay i appiligize for ant rambling or terrible spelling dkondering oksy on
okay so like i dont really ship anything in vikings you know yeah
and i just came to that realization recently
but even worse off
i just realized the only thing i really fucing almost came close
subconsiously ship really slightly
is athelstan and ragnars like fucking elEVEN YEAROLD DAUGHTER LIKE JFC
with my becuase shit no.
i had to fuckin  search up what the fuck her goddamn name is (gyda) and i cnat even remember why i was like
"oh athelstan you seems to interested me dear"
when the fuck
has she really said anything
i cant
like 11
how ld are these peopel  even
fno but like i dont really ship it it was like moment (and the only moment in the show in which i was really like, oh? but anyways) of like, oh well... thats  kind of a bit of attention your giving there.. .OH GADDAMN SHES LIKE TENNO. not like that was really out of place though then in the time though i mea nreally hes like 23 shes like 12 sounds like romeo and juliete to me except not romeo more like that other guy that wanted to marry her and was doin it all right by so their time period and asked her dad what was him name paris? yeah its like paris and julliete. though really i dont kno wwhat norse-y viking-y peope did i mean who know i dont

i was kiind of shipping athelstan and ragnor but then i liked him and his wife together too much really.and the sort of slave thing kind of died out so boo.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It upsets me to an unreasonable level when Im reading a fic thats suppose to be something llike, 'Oh wow, this is Just legal, itsnt that hot?????"(or whatever the fuck) Or maybe even a just a subtle little "this isnt weird, no, not at all, look I aged them, its leGAL I SWEARASF!!!"
But the writer doesnt actually fucking check legal ages?
Most often its american writers saying the character is/ going to be 18, when its somewhere the legal age is like 16 or 17. and its just kind of annoying.
its mostly for Teen!lock fics that it annoys me in really.

Though also when people talk about gryles (in not really just in fics here) And are like, oh hes dating just legal 18 year old harry styles, But its like, their legal age is 16????? hes been legal for like two years?
Hes dated a fucking, what, 32 year old woman at something like 16? That. is just legal. and a larger age  gap.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Have i talked about this yet?
How terribly hot i find someone who is passionate about something?
Like anything.
You could literally be passionate about torturing people, If you're obviously very passionate and in love with what you are doing, its kind of hot.
I've noticed mainly with people performing recently,
People who look just so happy and greatful for being there (like recently, when we were doing HSM, there were nights when one persons huge group of friends would come to support them, and how they had performed on those nights, were just so beautiful, the looks on their faces.) its just so great.

and martyrs, people willing to die for their cause. Its great. And, as an example, from a movie we were watching in history, there was a guy who was really just not attractive to me in anyway, until it came to his wishing and acting upon wanting a change. then he became attractive, but when their lame ass "revolution" began, and he discovered they wouldnt kill him - and make the example for people to stand up - he just tried to kill himself instead. It was absolutely pitiful and he was disgusting.

Dip Pens

I really want one you guys

I've had a fountain pen before, though i need to get a new cartridge for it right now,
But I dunno, I just really want a dip pen.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


bcuz we say a commercial with Gabriel in it and i was like "Damn y u do commercials? you should be in supernatural, s good"
and my mom was like "yeah he was. But all the angels fell now so *shrug*"
and it was
"but youve seen it"

and its like all the fucking fangirls on tumblr wanted cas to fall for destiel but no because cas
has to have his grace
and now he doesnt and
fucking metatron what ever
fukc you

i mean
havin dean teach cas to be normal will be cool
i like my cas with grace okay

im ready for the nexxt seasono you guys

Saturday, May 4, 2013

oh mygod,
george blagden is a fucking angel,
his voice, holy crap,  I love it
kay so i was watchig glee
like. two episodes ago glee
cause i dont really care about it as much any more
and like ever sinxe thy were talking about ryders big secret what ever
inwas jus like
he was molested. i bet you.
i was right
i had to share

Monday, April 29, 2013

not much is going down recently
working on hsm for school,
just house this year though so
its interesting
get to talk to people, not sit in dark, yknow
watch this shitty show lots
fought with friend
because i said some shit half jokingly, and thne her response really pissed me off so
so goddamn bored

Sunday, April 28, 2013

listening to samson by regina spektor (links)
and i just am
and fjsdfjsldkfs

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jawbone UP band

just discovered these things
really really wants one because cool + benoficial
its $130
really want
i think
i want to save for one
but i \
not sure
at all like

Sunday, April 14, 2013


its 2 am
and my friend was talkin to me about opinions and drag queens on friday
and i jsut had a though about them
i go to text cuz i figure
you nkow
 its just like
11 or 12 on a saturday night no big
shell probably be up or not hear her phne w/e.
so i go to text her

accidentally text man bro : "you know what the one bad thing aout drag queens is though?"
then i realize shit thats not the right person. quickly texting shameful sorry about that and probably waking him up because im a douche
but anyway
i then text her
like 10 texts
about the thing about drag queens
then how i accedentally texted it to a manbro
but then
oh then
i realize its fucking two in the mornign goddamn wha
i just


ive kinda rediscovered,
and uhm
i wasnt into the voice actors all that much previously
but shit
fuck yes.
definitely the best
and glenn
as bro only though because just
nah cant talk the karkat voice
but fuckin peeps man

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Friday, April 12, 2013

ive finally gotten around to watching celeb juice with grimmy on it, from the fourth,
(caused id heard about it being really funny, him being teased about harry and stuff but id been to busy to get to watching it)
and holy shit
this is fucking fabulous
fuck yes.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I had this thought about Lord English this morning

when we were driving to school
i dont think ive heard it before but

waht if Lord English is an ecto child of Post scratch Jack noir (the crazy one who got cal and cut off his leg and put pool balls in his eyes)  and Caliborn?
like seriously?
i think it could make sense?
but you know

I mean,
ALL of the people playing suburb have been created that way, save for Caliborn/Calliope, and, thats weird right?
I mean, WHY would they be the exception?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

fuhhuhuhuhuuhuhhuuuhhhhhhh whyyy im gonna cryyyyyy


My goddamn spanish teacher kept me back like seven minutes (which in its self isnt bad but) when i came out inalmost ran into the other french teacher so dodge to the right(closer to the wall) and am all  'oh yeahsorry' but hen i round the fucking corner
i lie god damn super jump away in fucking exaduration because im a fucking dumb ass and jesus fucking shit man
and oh my god i just
i got out to my friends
and im all just just sjut shfuffffff
i just
sat and layed down
which i DONT DO
andrea does that
NOT me
but i just
we were walking down the stairs and m cousin is just saying stuff and i just
i just sit down in e middle of the stairs becaus
because no
i i just cant
and he just keeps on talking sbout brianna or PE and things that just make me remember i jUST FUCKING JEKSIXFJJHDJFKDJi
this is also the guy i yelled at about whistling
have i meantioned knight?
its a thing with andrea
we were just sitting one day
and nmaing what people would be and he was walking bu
so hes a knight
also the guy she was shipping with the guy i almost ran into
but i m all like, no, they look goddamn related
so a month ago, we were walking by the hall they sit in most the time with theese bunch of other dudes, some o which she knows well.
so, that day they were all sitting like one guy left, one guy right, one guy left, one guy right, etc; so she all like wow and shit yeah. so we leave and shes all WAIT and runs back and asks if their related (they are. somehow.)
so today, we were sitting in the hall near the door accross the breeze eay because thats where we sit.
and knight, his some how relative i almsot ran into, and 2 pr three others come in the door
and knights in front right
so shes all just
and hes just
uhm brenden. . .?
and gives the guys behind him a look and just
oh my god
your kidding me
also, this kid i also run inot who, if you havent caught it, i find fairly attractive (I DONT LIKE HIM I DONT KNOW HIM SO I CANT LIKE HIM THAT YOU BERY FUCKING MUCH ASS FACES I CAN ANDREA), was the guy i yelled at about bow to be whistling because i didnt know it was him at first so 
seems im just 
doing stupid shit around him
and its just
okay yeah i do stupid shit alot
bit alm the legitimatly embarrasing stuff
its all involving him like
theeeeee fuckccckckckck

oh ob oh
i just remembeed 
i talkedabout this last school year.  when we were dancing in PE 
he was he guy i was dancing with the time i just completely blanked out 
that happened i guess

Sunday, April 7, 2013


hshdfhasdugihasiufg s
well uh
easter i just you know went to my grandmas and shit. yeah
monday  i WENT TO THE GODDAMN SCHOOL from 9 to 230ish, cuz we were cleaning out parts of the theatre for the up coming show and shit yeah. after which i went walking with my manbro FOR LIKE THREE GODDAMN FUCKING HOURS so tuesday i jus tsort of died and kinda marathoned some episodes of ed edd n eddy cuz fuck yeah its on netflix
wednesday i did shit nothing
showered and packed for santa maria but
thursdaay went to snata maria
ate food with family
friday had funeral
and  OH MY GOD I HAVE GINGER like fourth or fifth COUSINS
HECKS YES???!?!?!
i love ginger jokes but no ones ginger and augh.
but yeah
played lots of phase ten
ate lots of breakfast because best western has great breakfast
and on the last morning(saturadaaay morning) i was sitting, eatting, doin history, and this family of four comes in
and theres these two brothes, like, close in age? But like, they might have been twins? not sure/ doubtful. But anyway. they were totally my head canon john egbert and jake english. like totally, except the jake english lookin one didnt have glasses.
it was crazy
i wanted to take a picture
bu ti didnt
because creepy
otherwise though.....
saterday i didddddd nothing.
we came back from santa maria
i wastched psych and supernatural and gravity falls
and jeezzzzz gravity falls episode had me thinking incest and it was just like no way man. no. but its just because i find body switching kindaaaaaaa yknow.
POOR BENNY NOOOO Dean. . . oh poor dean.
fuking crowley though like fuuuckkk
today i made stew
was also gonn make crepes and custard but yeah
fuck that
marathoned ALL of EEnE on netflix (only like 2 fucking seasons??? fuck yall.)
did shitty homework
i hate school
fuck school
i hate it
dun want that
oh god
what havve i done

i was marathoning, and theres and episode where they're in double d's bathroom (when Eddy tells ed that Edds a alien?) and theirs a post it saying "DONT TOUCH YOURSELF" like blink and you'll miss the whole thing, but for most the shots the doors open on it so all you see its "DONT TOUCH YOURS---" and i was all wtf and tried for ever to pause and make sure and its just klsdfalkjfioasdf
kind of shiping kevin and rolf? like
i wanna see a kind of progression fic from kevs pov were their kids and just the three of them are like, the closest friends and its all no one gives a fuck(around the age of the first season, or maybe a bit before?) but then they get older(sometime in middle school?) and kev just has this idea that theyll always be friends, but him and nazz will grow up and be together and rolf will always just be a constant, but as he gets older
(highschool? Sophomore or junior?) he kind of finds himself more and kind of sees the roles switched? and flips out like aksdfjkasdhfasdfsdf.
i want it
i wants it so much
I really like seeing what the notes in Edds house say like i find it really funny

Thursday, April 4, 2013

okay so i figured out this problem with my friend

To be specific, one of my best manbros.. . .My only real manbro, to be honest.
But anyway,
Hes terribly attractive, like, If i explained to you a male I believe is perfect in appearance, hed almost be 95% complete.
 Blue eyed, blonde, tall enough, Fit. Yknow.
And he's got his gaddamn hair cut, so, yeah, hes cute.
and hes almost there in the whole personality thing, yknow.
Alright sense of humor (He kind of repeats his jokes he gets from legit comedians and its kind of lame but hey,), Smart (but he kind of hates it when people make little mistakes and its kind of obnoxious. recently im also thinking hes got a bit of a complex were hes got to know everything and always be best. annoying), good morals.
But seriously i figured out why its been so hard for me to figure out how i feel about this guy.
and youve probably got it down by reading this but. seriously. Its taken for ever for me to rationalize all of it.
Because hes got the perfect apperence
but hes got these dumb ass ideas as what relationships or people must have and its stupid.
kind of a terrible sense of humor as the fact in which he'll laugh at anything sometimes, and just repeats comedians, HATEs when someone make a small mistake, like really, grow up. And get over yourself, you cant have a goddamn hissy fit everytime some one out does you, or insist 'yes i did know that i just didnt tell you when you asked' all the goddamn time. Also hes one of those people that'll blame others when all you have to say to authorites "yes sorry wnt do it again" because they honest to god CANT give a fuck about who started it, just shut the fuck up, aight. Aight. Alright. so there you go
Appearance: 92%
Mind: like goddamn fuckin 2% (Probably more of aaaaaaaaa 8-10%)

(hes to stuck between Femme and masculine anyway, to weird.)

Monday, April 1, 2013

DO you ever have songs you just relate to like, books movies ships etc?
i can t even its ust
i really relate radioactive to Homestuck , and specifically DirkJake, and its like, i dont even know why.
Little Talks, I really relate to dream boy, mainly the ending
and its
kind of lije
i dont
i cant even listen to the song with out thinking about it????

Thursday, March 28, 2013

my friend got tickets to warped tour.
so ive gotta raise that money to pay her back
but i mean
its awesome right
ive been sick for like the past week so i missed like all school except for today (last day before spring break)
so i ve been sitting on the couch playing pokemon all week
and i got last 4 gym badges and am preparing to go against the elite four
so when some one would ask me what ive acomplished this week, or said i hadnt done anything,
id jus tbe lke, excuse you, I have ALL EIGHT GYM BADGES OF JOHTO TO PROVE HOW MAN I AM so stuff it major..
there was a guy in a green strapless, like, midthigh length dress today at lunch.
and he worked it pretty fucking well.
like hell yeah,

Friday, March 22, 2013

i won a chair today

Its a metal folding chair from my school

i named him fredrick
hes beautiful and majestic.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

ohhh my god sweet overload.

mymoms been out of house with her aunt this week end and auuugh

i wanted to make buttercream frostinso i made cup cakes to put it on and i just ate some frostin and auuth i was feeling sick because like fuck shit be sweet. then i had left over frosting so i was like truffles and the frostiwqs a different recipe the. intended so it kind of melted faster and it kind of turned out messy but any way i had left over chocolate and i kind of ate that because oh my god im an idiot.
and like im hungry for regular nonsweet food
vbut noking way an eat another fucking thing.if

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dive By Andrea Gibson

my dear God

this is really just beautiful and please just go listen to it
because i dont think ive heard anything that has ever made me so emotional

Saturday, March 9, 2013



in other news lots of shit appened this week i made cookies and brownies and cake
and i cant whistle
and motherfucking whistle thursday
and i hae a fucknig quincenera and birthday picnic today(i guess its saturday?)
and a amdjafsdkfsdfsdf yeah

Sunday, March 3, 2013

american horror story s1e10

holy fuuuuuuuuuuuck

shit totally wasnt expected
i mean
i guess it makes sense now but

still totally shipping tate and violet  even though hes totally a crazy motherfucker and just
i mean
really want to watch the. ext episode but have been forbade due to well, its four in the morning. this sucks.

im watching american horror story and im on season 1 ep 6

and tate just saved(?) violet from killing herself
and ive been trying really hard not to ship it because
you know
im pretty sure hesuppose to definitly be a pertty bad guy?
i cant not ship it
i mean
at first i was just really hoping for an attractive person (i wont lie i wante it to be a guy. just a bit)
but i mean 
violets pretty and i think they look cute together and i like the story of them 
and ahhhhh my gooooood
i know hes suppose to be evil and all but eiiiii
hes sp cute like that, crying over nd shit and just?
auuuh my gosshhh shes the big spoon and 
oh such a cute little
but hes suppose to be bad and jussast

everything ive ever wantein a fictional coupke and i dontn need fanfiction for it its canon glorious gloriaous canon