Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Poor lydia, and Stiles, and just. SIGGGH.

(the thingwith scott talking to Argent in the parking lot was funny i enjoyed it)

 unsure of how to feel towards alison,

SO when isaac was leaning up on the tree and argent was explaining tracking or what ever Isaac looked fairly attracted to the man and then an admiration ship was born. as like that i had shipped for Isaac on to scott last season. So ive decided isaacs realized Scotts a bro, moved on and now argent is attractive. because Argent is attractive. Also it distresses me slightly when i dont have anyone to ship people with. and now theres no erica and erica/boyd was canon before anyso sdfjkakdslf.
(still loving Isaac being and adopted Hale, since the season 2 finale. I WANT)

Also not digging Derek/Teacher chick, really just because, really could you make that anymore cliche. just. the whol scene where derek walks up tho the fucking fence gate thing with the light behind him just. wow. Force that on me you assholes. (also why woul dyou have the ripped up and bloody stranger go get the teacher in the first place? Why not send the clean students she probably knows?????)

Also, Virgins are dieing oh god we're doomed.

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