Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Reason I Absolutly Hate Learning Spanish

(and I mean this with completely no offense to those who speak this language, enjoy this language, depend on this language, are Hispanic or Latino, anyone this can offend, i mean it completely in a way of having to learn it, for me, as opinion.)(and  i know that it can offend, rationally or not, I have felt pangs of (irrational) offense when people talk about why one language or another, that i enjoy, is terrible. so. Sorry to any offense i cause)

My teachers suck to start with.
one was pregnant  and out in the middle of the year, the other had some emotional hills due to personal reasons that caused her to be out for some time. So adjusting to new teacher, then sub(s), then the same old teacher just after you get used to the new one.
     Also one was a french teacher.

The whole idea of learning the language it speaking, where I can barely speak understandable english, especially not in front of a class or to a stranger. Writing i cant usually get used to after the first month or so,
but damn.
     also i plan for no use of spanish in my regular day-to-day life. Im only taking it because the choice is either french or spanish at my school and theres no way in hell that i'd get french right with all the accents and shit

Also it just irritates me that the sentences end up being long as fuck. seriously, almost all i do is trying to get things to be shorter when im talking to people, mainly because i take for ever to get the words out of my face, bust still. it normally just makes the sentences fucking long as shit when you go from english to spanish and its just

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbut its the one class i actually ever have people i eventually come to enjoy seeing so

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