Saturday, June 22, 2013

went to warped tour today

at the shoreline.
It was alright, but, i didnt really have high hopes in the first place?
Im not to into the bands anymore so
got lots of free shit though so

thats cool

Ionly went to go properly listen to like four bands, the ones my friends liked.

the only one amanda liked, though, we just kind of stood in the very back of the crowd cos she was a bit to afraid to get really into it (which is fine i hate struggling through crowds)
it was oone of the better bands ihad to listen to, but , i cant remember the name.

My other friend had us go to like 3 of her bands.
the first one, I didnt really have an opinion of the music, it wasnt really bad or good or anything, but the crowd was the best; it was majority like 20ish year old people in the crowd, so they would properly mosh, yknow, and also keep up like, being good people and picking people up and making sure surfers didnt fall. (most the time. there were someguys that got dropped on unsuspecting chicks.) (My friend actually pissed me off at this cos she'd like elbow people from pushing her and it was just. really.. she also dropped a surfer almost, the guy behind her caught him(he was cool. one of those guys that make sure people arent being complete dicks.), but she just like completely moved.) (Felt kinda lame in this one cos i was holding my friend amanda, cos again, she was scared of falling annd shit so)
the last one she had us go to was Never Shout Never, which was lame. but                 fine
i suppose
 she had us go to, i think, sleeping with sirens(??), whose crowd straight up sucked.
It was a bunch of immature assholes, dropping, trampling, not helping people up, just pushing at people when trying to get out, they through shoes at the lead singer. they hit him in the face once. He stopped like 5 times to tell them to let people up, and it was really cool of him. they didnt really get to play much, which, to be honest, they seemed like cool people, and they played fine, and just. i didnt really dig it, their music.

We spent a nice amount of our time sitting up on the benches near the stage some of the kind of lesser known bands would play and just listen to them while playing hangman or something. It was cool, i liked their music alot actually.

so all in all
I dont know if id do it again, bacause people piss me off, and i dont really dig the big bands there.
But i might again,  because Free Shit, the cooler crowds, lesser known bands.

Also I really wanted to buy a hat there, But all the designs they had were really lame :T
I only spent $2 all day, and it was on a snapple cos the starbucks we were waiting at closed at 8(the only starbucks ive ever known to close that early) and 7-11 was right next to it and i had ran out of water.

Ive got sun burns on the tops of my shoullders adn a bit of a pink face.
im very tired.
i stupidly went to bed at like 3 or 4, woke up at 9, aaaaaaaaaaaaand
i usually sleep till like 2in the afternoon so

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