Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Religion-y-ish things

okay so while im catholic, and completely proud of my religion and loving of my God,  and believe he did create the universes, and there is only one God, I disagree with alot of the more. . . small details?
for instance (I dont know if everyone believes this or if its just one of the more seen features), the belief that only one of the most main-stream religions God is the actual God. I See it more as it is the same God - which it is, all the God of Abraham - Different, rules, per-say. ways to pray, beliefs of, etc.
   For instance, the belief God created the world in 7 days. I dont believe He said let there be this and then there was this. I believe it was more of. . . Saying this shall happen, and then this will cause this, and Finally create this. ((Giving also for the idea of 'fate' or 'destiny' or what ever you may call it - the idea God knows and controls what happens to us. I think its more of a 'Control these Check-Points.' sets up a beginning, middle(s) and End. What happens in between each, lesser so in control of.)) So back to the creation of the world/universe, this Also incorporates the physics, science, evolution, etc.
    I think the bible, like all Old Great Text, needs to be translated, to a more modern society. Like one would Shakespeare.Though of course also realizing that the text has been translated from other languages and age and dialect. its no longer face value, if it ever were. Because even if it was word of God, the Holy Spirit, it was still word written by a man. Sure, a man chosen by God, but still, As the words hit page, it  was already being translated from a holy speech, to general interpretations or  Cliff notes.

Now further more. I dont think all other older religions(of, in example, Greek, Roman, Norse, Aztec, etc) are myth, legend, or just bullshit. I think they all do hold relevance and truth. And if their gods were not just maybe great Kings or Rulers, or what ever have you, that had themselves coined as gods, they may have been, for those who were said to have powers, near superhumans. Or, well, Elites. And either they didnt have other words for this, or more likely, WE dont have better words for this. So, yes, I believe that many of these religions were based off maybe Rulers or men who thought them self better, or maybe just societies that found them to be this, and were worshiped, like we worship our God(s). but bottom line, i dont think they (all) were just stories picked from someones imagination. they had physicalities to them. Actual beings.

So. TO get to the point of all this,
  I think id like to experience the, Culture(?) Of ancient Greeks or Romans. Though, not exactly all of it. just, how society actually all was, not just what we find in books. How they  Actually did worship, or how often, not how much they were said to or suppose to (example, I (as a catholic) am suppose to go to church every sunday, sometimes wednesdays, Not eat meat (or fast) for lent, etc, etc). How things were actually conducted with people too, as for, well, okay so, how men were always suppose to be in an active, dominant type in typically any thing, as well as sex. then,  what would happen if it came out a man was submissive for a woman, how his neighbors would actually react ((ie, difference between Law and Government, and how your peers actually react)) and same with men in homosexual relationships. how these things were actually treated. I just, really want to know, as well, how people actually acted for their gods.

(((End note, I actually really tend to specify between my lower-case 'g' gods and upper-case 'g' God. as in, as for having lack of a better word for these 'elite' people in their society, they would call them gods. Superior to them, but not to the all higher force that is God.))

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