Saturday, June 8, 2013

american idiot

saw it again with my friend today(6/6/13)
was in row C
yes. row C. thats usually  fucking ORCHESTRA PIT we were infront ofthe first row.
i was seat 1. dead center.
got a yellow guitar pic with like a turtle or something on it (its pretty faded)(my friend got a black american idiot one) i think it was like wills or someone to like the left of him causese yeah
also got back of my shirt signed by casey ofarrell(will), alex nee(johnny), and trent saunders(st jimmy) so awesome

saunders and ofarrell were really nice (it was weird with sainders cos you know hes st jimmy, and had the hair and you know. odd. super nice) and i was too mervous to talk to Nee because hes just sort of suprisingly really nice in the face(like i knew he was cute, same with the other guys but like, he was really striking u know.)
super cool.

EEEDDIIIY: Guitar pick was johnnys, I repeat, yellow = johnny i has yellow yay.
ways to excited dskjfalsdf

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