Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I watched this finally.
twas good.
but i kind of watched it at like one in the morning on sunday, i believe, so i cant remember exactly all that i wanted to say.
I remembered though that i liked a lot of the phrasing in the narration(? not really narration but, i dont know the opening and ending to it, i cant even man but it was good. it really came from what he was saying you know, the writing how you are and shit whatever you know. ?)
The animation, was cool, but odd. very very odd. i liked how ech thing flowed into the next.
every thing seemed very well for this

the oly thing i didnt like i show Franco read howl. I dont know if ginsberg ( unsure of name spelling to be honest) had actually read it that way, but, well.  its was weird. Understandable performance, though, if Ginsberg had read it that way.

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