FanFic Rec.'s

(originally this was in a separate post, but that was getting difficult to update. . .So. . .PAGE!)

Some great fics from a few fandoms i'm into :) (they should be completed, unless i say differently.)(sometimes if i really like something, I let you know.)

Fics I may not have put on here due to, i dunno, umbrella catogories,(relevent mainly to les mis) can be found under my 'fic' label, here. Warning, there are just some random fic thoughts there as well, but, yeah.

Star Trek 
Veritas (spirk, AOS, 25 chapters, but dude, if youve never read this. Im so sorry. its fucking fantastic and it wins all the awards. its so great. Plot wise, writing wise, characters, fluff, smut, just. so. fucking. great.((this author also has some other really great stories, from chapter's to oneshot so. give them a look.)))
 Observations (sprik, AOS, like 260 chapters and no that is not a typo, 2-6-2 chapters exactly. some only a word or two long, some are just. crazy long. this is no doubt one of the best pieces of fan fiction i have ever read, its so, emotional. in so many ways. and holy fuck the writing style, wow. i really cant articulate how fabulous, though im sure the writer could. probably in either a fucking novel length that made you reevaluate your life, or less then 200  word drabble or god damn a sentence, that made you straight up feel more then you ever had. its spock pov, and fucking spot on. if you need to know if something sounds spock-y, check it against this fic, because i dont think ill ever find one written better.if you havent read this, you are missing out on one of the best opportunity of anyones life. in sum., best fucking fic but beware the feels, seriously)
Chekov's Gift (Scotty/Chekov. .smut. . . I dont even know why i like this asmuch as i do but damn)

So Much Closer (Scotty/Chekov, really kind of cute actually. hand jobs and hickies too, though)
Gut Feeling (Scotty/Chekov. pwp, I. . .I didnt think id like this when i opened it up?  Hell,i dont even know what the fuck this is called. but its hot????)
Turbo Tale (spirk, blow job, pov from the turbo lift. i reall ylike the idea of this and its generall ykind of cute the way its told.)
Mechanics of the Stars(Scotty/Chekov, Scotty walks in on something he wasn’t supposed to see. Chekov is very glad he did.
Keep Your Clothes On! // 5 Times Kirk had to Watch and the One Time He Hit That Like the Fist of an Angry God  (Spirk, Spones(aliens keep making them do it)) (first and sequel. really kind of hilarious)
Instructions // Cleverly Untitled   (both spirk, but unrelated, just posted on the same page. instructions is Kirk having to tell spock how to givehim a blow job, the second is Kirk  trying to use seduction tropes to get into Spock's pants. Both funny (relatively), first pretty hot.) 
Kinky (spirk, Kirk recites regulations while riding spock. Stupidly hot)
Educational Material  // What the Documentary Got Wrong  (Spirk. The first  is the second fic down the page. the sequel is just really really funny tbh..... Kirk Watches vulcan porn, which turns out to be a pornumentery on pon farr. then it turns out he should have paid a bit more of attention to that pornumentery.)
Not Without My Vulcan (spirk of course, Five Ways Dating Spock Wasn't What Jim Thought It Would Be, and One Way It Was Even Better Than He Thought)
The Caffeinated Neurotic(jaylee-g) has a nice amount of well written spirk, two of my faves are the reboots of The Naked Time and Dagger of the Mind
Blue_Jack  is a really great author, but writes mostly McKirk for this fandom, and its not really my thing so. check 'em out if thats yours. 
It Starts with Something Small  (spirk, kirk finds out the hands are a bit of an enroginous zone for the vulcans) 
Hiding His Head in a Hole ((okay so this is actually Pinto but i dont want a separate area for RP fics cos that'd just encourage me so here it is). He doesn’t tell him to stop, even though he knows he should. He's drunk, Chris is drunk, they're both drunk.(surprisingly isnt rimming, i dont know thats what i thought it would be))
Allowed to Touch  (spirk, aliens made them do it, spock gets, well, essentially shot with a lust ray(well not really but yeah). I really got off on this, which is ridiculous, cos the most they get to his really just a bit of rutting, but, yeah....)
Cut and Fucking Paste  AO3  (spirk, mind meld gave me feels, again. kirk got quite alot of spock primes memories in the meld. still hiliarious, fantastic, the really needed sequel  below)
Edit AO3  (spirk, sequel to cut and fucking paste(just as hilarious i assure you), kirks dieing and gets his universes fucked up. he then has to deal  with the consicuences, when he ends up  pulling through)
Break Down and Tell   (spirk, mind meld gave me feels sort of trope. pretty much Kirk wants spock cos hes constantly remembering spock primes memoies of other-him, and Kirks pretty much avoiding spock til spock notices)
Asymptote   (spirk, inverted aliens made them do it. aliens wont let any one touch, and spock only now notices how often the captian touches him and how much he enjoys it. ends up suffering a bit of touch-starvtion)
Ignominy  (Sticks and stones might break his bones, but words have the power to destroy him. they visit the vulcan colony and well, people arent to happy about spock and kirks bond. unknown to spock, kirks learned vulcan and understands the insults.)
Soliloquy (sequel to Ignominy, talks of pon farr and bonding and is really really good damn it, i like this most of the  three)
Progeny   (Sequel to Soliloquy, talks of them having kids (in tubes, not mpreg) still really good)
Hold the Stake as You Burn (spirk,AOS pon farr, vague dub-con but not really, violent sex. short and sweet hot)
The Property of the Victor (spirk, TOS in sort of time line/whats gone down but i felt like it was a bit more AOS characterization. A romulan kidnaps kirk and spock and long(really really good) story short, spock ends up a bit possessive and in a challenge induced pon farr. so great)
 The Pursuit of Truth (TOS Spirk, mainly in the last chapter(there are 3), and some nice spock&mccoy friendship bonding, really actually kind of cute, very much fluff, the aftermath of Plato's Stepchildren) 
 Loose Lips Sink Ships (spirk, but a character study on janice (yay janice). really cute.)

Supernatural -
Second Childhood (by cloudyjenn) ( Dean/Cas)
It is written (by sparrowlove) ( Dean/Cas)
A Love Story  (Jeffrey/Demon. . . Season 7 episode 15;))
The Boy from District Three (Hunger  Games  Cross Over. Adam gets picked in the games after Dean won. Adam/Michael, Destiel, some Deffrey, Some mentions of prostitution or (attemoted)rape. Its a pretty good story but some of its really kind of rushed? But you cant really expect anything different. Some of the time lines a bit messed up and theyre kind of over emotional or fall too quickly sometimes but overall good?)
Ramble On (Dean dabbles in prostitution) 
Seven Hundred and Forty-Five (Deans a prostitute again. Destiel in the last chapter, though im not to fond of their writing in it. the first two chapters are great though.)
Disposable (Deans Prostituting again. at like 14-15 this time though so. discretion advised.The last line of this should definitely be:: And the stinging, painful reminder everytime he tries to find a more comfortable position in his seat helps, too.)
How to Date an Angel in 12 Easy Steps (destiel, is adorable, i think most of it is very in character(sometimes iffy for cas but im usually never 100% happy with how hes written so.))
Bad Company (Deans bouts of prostitution. different this time, because i think it romanticizes prostitution a bit too much, though one could say they were only telling the few good times? yeah) 
Goodnight, Stranger (destiel, aaguhg so cute i swear but justfcgvhbjnkm,l, cas pov in a different kind of way than usual, but i really enjoyed it.)
Between the Lines (destiel, when dean fantasizes about cas, it gets sent through like a prayer. so he shows up. and stays to watch dean get off. on going)

Bull and Boar (by INMH {who is the still active author. so this updates ever now and then. its amazing.}) (no actual slash, though I personally pick up some Gary/Petey vibes, but thats probably just cuz i really want to.)
Outdoor Pursuits (by Delicious Poundcake {who is the author whos pretty much fallen off the face of the earth. not even her dA is active.}) (lotsa gaaaay :))
Roommates(By Zxel) (Gary/Petey, Freshman at college. Really...Great. Sexualtimes(:)
The Sum of All the Things (Gary/Petey, 50sentences(Which I usually dont like) from garys POV, so, jumps around time wise, place wise(volts or town or school) and just some inner kind of crazy off the pills stuff??? h and OHMYGOD I DONT KNOW IF I CRY OR WHAT CUZ BEAUTY.)
Endless Summer (one of the best gary/petey stories ive read. The only way ive ever been able to really describe itt is amazing. 6 insanely awesome chapters (and OhMyGod i got a thanks mention! you dont know how much that means to me.)

TDA ( i ship Nody. or Coah or NoCo. or what ever people call it. NoahxCody.)
Playing Pretend Just Got a Lot Gayer (by PimpedOutGreenEars){check out some more of this authors stuff too, shes pretty good :)
The Sidelines Just Got Complicated  (By PimpedOutGreenEars) {this is actually a continuation of the previous one, and still in progress. author has stated shes not letting it die.)

Bones(actually, I'm not usally that into this fandom, but. . . I just, i dunno, really like this authors stories. . . so... here it goes.)
Hate Crime (by Alli-sun) (eventual Booth/Zach; 9chapters.)
 Collateral Masturbation (by Alli-sun) (. . . the pairing in I can say its slashy, and explicit. . . buuut. . .just read it. lol; itsa one-shot.)

Romeo and Juliet ( i ship Mercutio and Benvolio. . .)
Act 2 scene 1 (by MsScarletRice)  (its just a sorta rewrite thingy, so the authors ability with old english isnt really impostant, except for the last two lines  or so, in which she doesnt write them as so.)
Eyes closed and Lips parted (by Evita the Akita) (her old english is VERY good.)
Bbi Ri Bba Bba (by oxytocin)(sooo good. weird personality Ben, and just.... YUM(heeeeh.. sex:3)
An Artificial Day 
I am too Fond (erydtfgyuhijkl modern day and cuuute)
Propositions (mercutio thinks his love is unrequited, so he takes up tybalts deal. smut fic tbh)

The truth is you (its not an Fic!)
Friends, Family and Feckin' Idiots!(by Tambear) (AU, Lots of sex, more Het than Slash.)

Small Weird Love (merthur, probably the best Merlin fic ive read, modern, so cuuuuuuuuuute and meaningful and symbolism)
Paper Hearts (merthur modern HS Au, cute, oneshot, though i think it would help out if it were longer though just because like, it could be better developed.)
Fuckweasel (merthur, holy fucking shit, smut, teen Au, first time. arthur finds merlins porn)
How to Woo Your Manservant (merthur, fgjhbjnkml, cute.)
Just a Little Experiment(merthur HS Au, merlins new to school and weird, but arthur gives him a chance to be popular. really just pwp)
Come Around(merthur HS Au, merlin and arthur got stuck rooming together on a class trip and oops heaters broken, gotta cuddle for warmth, pwp)
For Your Information (modern Au, merlin's uthers gay tutor when arthur comes out)

Kingdom Hearts
Be My Baby? (by Cattypatra)(akuroku-ish, AU, Short oneshot.hilarious)
Five Acts and a Damn Good Kisser (by abovethenightsky)(AU akuroku, not complete, and pretty much dead. 8 chpters.)
Portal Sex (by ZiggyTheNinja)  (lol. . . demyx/xigbar, AU Short oneshot,)
How my Best friend screwed me over(by Tyson FoxFlame)(AU, incomplete, pretty dead)

Avater: the last Airbender
Discombobulation (by Alli-sun) (aang/Zuko)
Fortune telling (by alli-sun)(Aang/Zuko, 11 chapters. i love this one.)

BTR (now, wait, WAIT. I'm not really into this show to much or their music, but, of the few episodes I;ve seen at  my cousins house(theres a 9yr old living there) i have decided Kendell and Logan are fuckign each other(: so I ship Kogan. thats it!)
An accidental Kiss (by yoursomeday) (4 cahpters.)
From Here to Texas (by banajo) (in progress. author still updates. Super cutex)! and funny! I dont think this person has a high respect for Carlos though... lmao. they also use the in-show names. . .but w/e.)
the Daily Grind. (kogan;))

Young Justice
First (by: BlendingSkies)  (KF/Robin. pretty freaking awesome.)
In Which Robins Nest  (KF/Robin.Fluffy and mentions, but thats it. Focus' on the  other Robins(jason,Tim,Steph., Damian+Cass.) Visiting. Cutest thing ever.)
The art of warm Fuzzies   (KF/Rob. 20chp, updated just recently after a year hiatus.. but still pretty worth it. amazingly written.)
2AM  (bunch of Roy/Wally oneshots. Still updates. noreal 'completion' needed. SUPERCUTES.)
Walk of Shame  (Roy/Wally..... BEST SHIT EVER. READ IT. NOW.)
Twist Your Hair (Roy/Wally end game, onesided Wally/Dick in beginning.)

Teen Wolf
Open the Door (Sterek)
You + Me (Let's do it like they do) (this, this is odd and sexy. Stiles/Stiles. Derek too.) 
Side Effects (Okay, this won their contest. SO if you havent read it, Im judging you.) 
Five Times the Sheriff Found Derek Hale in His Son's Bedroom (Sterek, obviously. you remember that post I made about what i would love to see as Sterek progressed, and Sheriff Stilinski finding DerekandStiles in stiles room and thinking they might be a couple and what not and going about the clockwork of all of that? yeah. that is this. this is that. im in love.)
DILF (Sterek, "Today is Scott's first day of kindergarten and Derek is terrified.", Au obviously.)
5 Times  Derek was Clueless (Sterek. short and sweet. )
Basically, I (sterek. looong-ish. its really good. it covers the gap between seasons in a way i quite like, and, well it progresses past current show time, and there for doesnt account for a few things. . .still good though. i really like the music choices stiles uses.)
Devils Due (Dub-con, stiles/agent mccall, stiles offers himself up so that his dad can keep his job(not that he knows about it but yeah) short)
No Homo (sterek college Au, the actual best like damn, on going, stiles misses scott and puts up personal on craigslist looking for someone to jerk off w (it makes sense in context. mostly) and derek answers that. its just gets better and better goddamn )
One More Thing (sterek, non-con peter/stiles. peter hypnotizes stiles, who later finds the tapes. majorly fucked and i love it; the ending tho like DAMN)

Lollipop Larry  Drabble (no sex in this one. just leading up to an oral, then we're cut off):
Try and Hide the Light (Eberything:D No,no, seriouesly - only the best ships - Ziam, Nosh, and Larry<3) 
The Miseducation of Harry Styles (apparently I ship Gryles now. (and it's amazing)) 
The One with the Nap Partners (Nosh. there needs to be morenosh really.) 
If Home is where the Heart is Baby (GRYLESSSSSS cute;3)

Theres No Privacy on a Tour Bus

Percy Jackson (i never read the books. So the fics i suggest might have fairly off characters. But i still think they're good.)
Blueprints for Falling for a Straight Dude  (Jason/Leo. INCOMPLETE(i think discontinued?). Semi-AU) 
The Lust Arrow (Jason/Leo hnng. love. IN PROGRESS so um yes love.)

Harry Potter
Things I Learned in School (unrequited Flint/Wood, unrequited Flint/Higgs, Percy/Wood, There are things in life that no book could ever teach you.  my fave portion is the first. cos yay masturbation)

Homestuck(I may or may not need to make a seperate page for this)
Amateur Palemates Smuttin it up!! (aklfmsdfalksf  it its - oh just read it.)
The Seventh Rainy Season (Gamzee<>Karkat (Sorta. . .) Gamzee<3Tavros (really only sort of mentioned. . .) Smutsmutsmutty.)
==>Someone: Do Something (Collection of 3 fics(essentially 3 chapters in total.), Sollux/Karkat. Very good.)
Achievement Unlocked (this, this is the best fic I have ever goddamn read. Dave/John, established. Oral, Pokemon, and CoD. yesss. Second chapter is better than the first ;))
 Take a Picture, it'll Last Longer (By the same person who wrote Achievement Unlocked, and is  Dave/John Cyber. Which, I'm not really into, but masturbation kink, voyeurism(sorta) y'know. So. its hot ;))
Age/Sex/Location (Dave/John. Reaaaally cute and fluffy(:)) 
John: Get the Last Word (Dave/John Cyber. Its fucking amazing. Hilarious, sexy, in character, so much better then you would think, going into it. 5 chapters in PesterLogs.))
Coming Out (unnnffmmmmsdlkfajdlsfkajsdf Dave/John, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism masturbation of course. Hooooooott.)(look up more from this writer too, okay? there is some really awesome stuff.) 
Out Movie Night (Sollux/Karkat - Okay, so, I wasnt gonna post more from this writer(itsthesameoneasComingOut), but, hotdamn. his/her writing is just so fucking great. Cause, I mean, its porn, And it totally would be PWP, but, it jsut, how they write it, its totally not, but still just a oneshot. its great.READIT)
Cool Control (Dave/John, and yeah, same writer as the previous two. Seriously, Go check him/her out and encorage them to post more: Feistymuffin)
A River in Egypt (dave/john, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, and all that good stuff)
Apply Topically (John/Karkat)
In Love with Your Kiss(Dave/John, Adorable/Sexy oneshot college AU)
give and take (Dave/john)
Fools of Fluttering Hearts (Dave/john valentines fluff! )
 Switched (Dave/john body switch. really good. in progress)
Eyes Like Prospit (Jack/Karkat!!) 
Closeted (DaveKat with voyeur John! hnnng, yum;)
Coming to Terms (dave/jonh in the long run, Bitta DaveKat. in progress)
The Heir Doth Protest (johnkat in long run, Karkat<>Gamzee(withbenifitsssss), accidental voyeur!john, In progress)
Only for a Second (Stridercest. One shot, and well. fuck, really just, emotional. You'll never read anything like it, I swear. its weird as fuck in the emotional way. but the writing is amazing and the idea, i think, is pretty. . . original).
Hands Off  (Stridercest.)
Serendipity (Gamzee<>Karkat like, for serious. ITs TRue Palemance, and awesome.) 
Masturbatory Shame Tango (dave/Dave with mentions of Dave/everyone,  high mentions to  Dave/terezi dave/rose. . . HOT. but weird.)
Find A Temple, Build A Temple (Dirk/Jake, super cute, and great, 2 chapters of just, awesome.)
==>Dave: Be A Poster Boy (Eventual stridercest, Dave has to be a model for PlushRumps. Gets a bit of a secret admirer. Warning, dave is suppose to actually be 13 in this. ive been sort of aging him up though so, that actual fact doesnt get mentioned so outright most the time. 14 chp, still on going) 
I Fall Forward, You Fall Flat (sollux<3<karkat, karkat<>Gam, sollux<>aradia. Main focus <3< ship.gooooddododododododo)

Rise of the Guardians (Main ship Jack/older!Jamie, Some BlackIce, and open to  Human!Bunnymund/Frost)
I Hope You Had Fun (Jamie Grows up. SAD but GREAT. oneshot, type of Jack/Jamie, but well. Doesnt really happen.) 
Splintered (Jack/Jamie. Super cute. Jack saves Jamie and just Yeah)
 Keeping Busy (JackJamie asstablished, fluff, Oneshot, "Jamie hasn't seen Jack for three weeks.")
In the Electrical Storm(You Where Running Wild) (Jack/Bunnymund, human!AU On going )
Cold Feet (Bennefrost, Kinkmeme fill,pretyy short,  Jacks not to use to all the kind of sexual stuffs, makes for cute/awkwardtimes)

How I Spent My Summer Vacation (modern SummerCamp AU. main ship Jack/David, but a lot of other shit happening to. Its pretty good. Gets better past the first few chapters. 40. chapters.)
Studying is Boring (jack/david, modern, established relationship makeouts)
Comprehension (jack/david, and jack/sarah, this one kinda hurts. theyre older, jack and sarah are married, but david comes by to visit) 
 Dont Be Afraid and Dont Delay (jack/david, first time rooftop sex.)
What You Want (unrequited david/jack, main Spot/David. 6 chapters) 
The Whole World and You (Jack/david, modern, Amusement park jealously, oneshot)
Because (Jack/DAvid, Modern Smut oneshot) 
Childish (Jack/david, almost requited, drunk jack, drabble) 
Five Headlines Jack Couldn't Sell, And The One David Could (exactly what it says on the tin)
I Want to Get Off One Time and Not Apologize  (okay so the titles a little bad, but its Jack/David oneshot(though the author has written 2 sequals which are pretty great.) masturbaaaatttitooonyums)((also, read more by this author.)
The Accusations Fly (david/denton, im sorry i love to ship it and theres nearly no fics?, any way, its first person, but it works, and just yeah)
Improving the Truth pt1 pt2 (1 is a little denton/david makeout, 2 is some really great jack/david smut)

Les Mis (so pretty much everything written by KissTheBoy7 for this fandom is fantastic, so go read through those)
Maybe in Another Universe I Deserve You (Enjolras/Grantaire, So beautiful and well written. Very good with historical details, and just, well beautiful? all the small details the author includes, its just, great. I cried more than when I watched the movie tbh.)
Do We Fight for the Right to the Opera Now? (Enjolras/Grantaire, Blowjobs at the opera.)
Our Litte Revolutions (main Enjolras/Grantaire, series, ModernAU pretty good.)
Soft Targets (Enjolras/grantaire Modern just graduated from college AU also its christmas-newyears season, and well. Its p fucking good.)
Home is Whereever I'm with You (Enjolras/Grantaire, modern, R secretly moves in.)
Situational Irony (Is on tumblr, eR, Super sad but super beautiful like damn)
 The Glitterbombs of Angry Queers(modern Queer Activist AU, asexual!Enjolras/Grantaire, ongoing pretty awesome)
Let Me Count the Ways (modern highschool AU, eR, completely adorable funny and well written, enjolras needs a fake date and asks grantaire) 
Find Out What I'm Feeling (modern AU, political Maine, eR, fake relationships cos a newspaper printed a thing)
How the Future's Done (eR, R adopts a cat, reallllllly cute.) 
As I Would Not Be a Slave (eR (and alternatively to the cuteness of how the futures done) is a just some Sadomasochistic Smut. and its fantastic.)
(More Than) Okay (eR, highschool Au, Grantaire sits behind Enjolras and tugs at his curls during class. One day Grantaire tugs too hard. Bathroom sex.)
Hot for Teacher (eR, e is Rs teacher. will be 3 chapters only 2 so far. post about it here)
Its Exactly What it Looks Like (eR, pwp....this was reallyjust kind of hot to me but, its real short)
At Least I Wont Remember This (Courfeyrac/Grantaire, unrequited(ish) eR, Courf and enjolras had a bet, and pwp. Warning! Features wetting, which i find gross in itself, but the fic gets pretty hot regardless)
Viewer Discretion Advised (eR, nine chapters of kind of kinky smut. each of les amis walk in on them. ends super cutely. not particularly fond of the characterization of Enjolras at all times, but you know. still good. smuttttt)
Are You There? (eR, Church oriented modern AU. Series. Quite good, connected smut fic here)
Permets-Tu (series, ongoing) (eR, jesus fuck its great i mean. shit. hot funny and just. just great. i love how they write their thought process', though Rs is regretfully familiar to myself.)
The Fox and the Grapes (eR, once upon a time cross over, only one chapter so far, on going)
I Came To Your Party Dressed As A Shadow (Grantaire finds enjolras' Private Things. aughuhasudhfsdg short little drabble) 
The Several Regrets of Marius Pontmercy (eR, marius and courfeyracs' prank goes terribly wrong and they end up under enjolras' bed.)
As the Sun Will Rise (eR, Beauty and the Beast AU. nothing has the right to be this cute and perfect.)
Bacchus and Apollo (eR, roman Au. enjolras wakes up to find his personal slave grantaire in his bed, on going)
NSFW (eR, E is a porn star and R is a fan of his work. eponine sets them up on a date. ongoing)
Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood (eR, Grantaires a bit oblivious to both their feelings, and trys to hook enjolras up with some people.)
Arranged Marriage (enjolras in sort of betrothed to a girl, but she finds him and grantaire in the garden)

Gravity Falls
Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster, Faster (+paranorman, PARAPINES! PWP,  69)
You Should See the Things He Thinks About You (Parapines, possession, HOT,, based off this pic, Could have been better just cuz i would have loved forceful possessed sex.) 
Possession (Parapines, inspired by the same photo as above, kind of hotter because yes this is what i wanted but more kind of.)
Methods of Revelation (Parapines, Possession again, but this time its Dipper being possessed. cute:))
We Don't Want Your Body (kind of parapines, not really. . .focused on? or developed really. Dipper trys to get norman to the mystery shack and ends up in a parallel universe.)
Gonna Give You All My Love, Boy (parapines, drabble, leading up to first time sex, super cute and it will rot your teeth man.)

Love is all About Muscle Science (KevEdd. They get stuck together in a School project, 19chp. gets better as it goes along)
The Double-D Dare (KevEdd. Kevin never has backed down from a double-dare, and he never will, But his friends have really come up with a good one this time. Still being written. Really good. Based off super cute c2ndy2c1d Comic)

Release(Duke/nathan, nathan gets a trouble-free hour, but he's stuck with duke. . . its kinda cracky but fuck it, its pretty good)
Sea Change (Duke/nathan, sea monsters and mouth-to-mouth, woo-hoo!)
Cupids Trick (Duke/Nathan, love/lust trouble, cute, kinda ooc at times.)
Desperation (Duke/nathan, sex trouble. chick is making people lusty, and feeding off them when she fuck them, things get a bit complicated and nathan has to give duke some "emergency medical aid".)
Blast from the Past (past duke/nathan, sort of drabble, lack of decent punctuation. I'd like it to be longer, but its pretty good.)
We're made of Blood and Rust (duke/nathan, drunk blow jobs, mentions of past relationship, oneshot)
Melt (nathan/duke, hypothermia/ cabin fic.)

Us Against (Teen!Lock. John, Sherlock, and Harry leave home due to some shitty circumstances. very good, has a sequel)
The Poem (teen!lock, John and Sherlock are paired up for a project anddddddd its cute. some smut) 
You Give Me Fever (Highschool 50s Au and dear God is it perfect)

Now You See Me
Same Show, New Tricks (Atlas/Jack, dfgjhjkl;' good. very good. smut. apparently part of a series, but so far only this) 

Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time in Everlie (augh,this started off so strong. features lotsa ships, im here for the peter/felix, peter/henry, and the felix/henry/peter and plott which, starts offf pretty well, but the writing deteriorates and just ugh, not complete yet ) 
Ascendancy (best peter/felix fic ive read. like damn.)
 A Game For Two (peter/felix, augh, so fucking good, pre-ouat, kindof-bloodplay, peter likes to play with his food;y)
Y'Know, He Likes You. (peter/felix, series, just drabbles, OOC a bit, but kind of overly cute, i cant resist.)
Let You Down (felix/pan, felix gets captured. short. pans a bit ooc but i guess it makes sense)
A Neverland Christmas (neverland husbands and oh my gosh its just cute :T)
Chicken (the lost boys are playing gay chicken - peter and felix get roped into playing)
Two Broken Boys (panlix, so glad i read this cos its so fucking nice. tells of when felix stopped hearing the pipes, and then when he heard them again. so good.)
Driving While Intoxicated (panlix, emma trys to teach the boys how to drive, afterwards the two (almost) have car sex)
When I Grow Up (panlix + voyeurism)

Sweet Dreams Are Made of These (peter/sylar, wet dreams/dream sex/dream walking w/e.)
Paying the Toll (so this is terribly fucked up. p much peters boarding school hazing sort of but, gang rape, humiliation, mentions of onesided incest wants)
  Sin of Our Thoughts (teen Gabriel drabble, wet dreams and masturbation, plays with the idea of overly protective/religious house hold and me gusta.)
Sit Tight (sylar/luke, sylar calls to talk dirty to luke while his moms in the room. uuuughdamndamndmna)
My Sin, My Soul (sylar/luke, p hot tbh. sylar deals with some selfhate (playing with idea of Crisis of Faith but also just, yknow, morals.) while taking lukes virginity)

Almost Human
One More Night (john gets a sexbot w/ familiar eyes) 
The Wooing of the Robot Girlfriend (Dorian realizing what he feels for John, short and cute)

Marvel(yeeaaah sorry this is gonna be mostly Captain America and Spiderman :T)
Distinguish Need from Desire (Bucky/steve, pre-serum, Buck walks in on steve jerking off and honestly, what are friends for? i really dig this ones steam of consciousness)
Spill (bucky/ pre-serum steve, light watersports, somnophilia, and lightlightlight dubcon.Short)
You're the Fireworks Flyin' on the Fourth of July (Steve/bucky, lots of birthday sex to catch up on. lots of light kink,)
The Mirror Holds Two Faces and None of Them are Mine (Pining Bucky,period typical, Crisis of faith, interalized homophobia,etc)
With the Lights Out, it's Less Dangerous (Steve/bucky, from pre-serum to post-serum to post-winter soldier, the boys Help Each Other out if you catch my drift. friends to lovers)
Safeword: “Erskine" (Bucky/Steve, a really not innocent captain america)
Jumping Off Bridges (bucky/steve, Pre-serum, Period-typical, pining. Buck gets real drunk one night and just runs his mouth)
One Day We Won't Have to be Scared (steve/bucky, pre-serum flash backs, back when they were strapped for cash, they got paid to take some photos that have just come to light.)
You are the Space in my Bed (Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson, Wade Doesnt listen to the rules, and it all just spirals)

lmao... the whole point of this was pretty much now i have a list for myself if i ever wanna go back to them. X)

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