Monday, December 26, 2011

Death Note.

I;m a huge fan of it.
the anime - It was what i saw first and watched it in littl eunder a week. I watch an episode over now nd then.
the  Manga - I've read them in the book store, and I'm slowly buying each one and reading them again. Im at 7 an how to read.
the movie - i own it, dont think its amazing, but its alright. would have bee better if they didnt change the ending, and had he Mello and Near arc. ((I would love to see who they got! For Matt too :3))
'Fan' Books - I have both, Read the BB murder cases Twice.

I first got into the series becasue i was looking through a website where a bunch of people wrote stories, and there was one that was a Matt&Mello/Near. ((yes. not  Mello/Near/Matt, but Mello&Matt/Near.)) and I didnt know it was fanfiction(the writer didnt say it:T), and I absolutely loved it, and the characters. about half a year later I founf some pictures of Matt and Mello, and(i hadnt read the characters names) i thought they looked alot like how the writer had said. Then you read the names and its like Holy Fuck.
searching a bit more, i figured out it was Death Note - read what it was about, and watched it.
I Am absolutely in love with this series.

and i need more of it :(((
like so bad.

i personally tihnk they should do something ((more one shot specials PLEASE)) about the  kids a Wammy's.
because I mean, theres so much you dont know!!!
and I know its suppose to be like that, but... Damn it. it would just be awesome.

and thered be more Matt :')

If you couldnt guess, I love Matt's character. maybe because its relateable.

and his car is SEXY.

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