Sunday, December 25, 2011

adfgdfadfh er ogjerg


you know what ive been seeing pop up more and more nowadays?

things like "oh, well back then, they didnt mind if you (entertopichere), its only now a days we say its bad!"
or "blaaahblahblah  didint happen before, its only this new condemed society that does THAT!"

well one, NO. they did think it was wrong, they just didnt make it public. SO either way, it could be blatantly ignored. people still got arrested if they were out right accused,  but if it just went on, and no one made a fuss, then no one would do anything. people turned there heads.

now two, YES IT DID.
again, it wasnt made obvious, and it was seen as so wrong. and people never ever dare to think  that it would happen, because everyone knows its wrong.

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