Saturday, June 29, 2013

i need a feelings jam like right fucking now

but its like 1 in the fucking morning and my friend doesnt pick up her phone during the goddamn day

i feel like all my friends just know what theye fucking doing
like theyve got a purpose or some shit
or talent

or fuck
jsut something to do with theyre lives.

and yeah thats ridiculous
because one has fallen into a depression
the other is curious about black magic (though i think ive talked him out of it??)
and the other thinks shes like useless for some fucking reason

but fuck
all done shit with their lives
and we're only like 16

they know what they want to do
psychology and shit with writing
writing and filmmaking
writing and biology

and theyve all got school going so fucking well for them
and they know what theyre doing even withnot specifically thefuture

one just writes all the goddamn time
and theyve all got jobs
and lives


even if  some of my friends 'dont know what theyre doing with their lives'
theyve got the skills to fucking wing it
fucking boyscout schmoozing skill and knowing people and being able to fucking talk and do shit
and singing, writing, teaching, being a fucking normal, good person, being able to fuckign talk

im quickly falling into nothing and i cant fucking even

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