Wednesday, August 7, 2013



okay so tomorrow im going to do the AP notes ((ps YES i got AP but also FUCK because they didnt tell me i was even considered like she said they would so i have to get a booooook ffffuck))
friday im gonna set up my Binder and shit ((so finding the old Moosen, eh? cover cos its awesome and im gonna do some Vulcan Calligraphy (dude its really pretty dont judge) scripts to use on the front. either my names or some proverb/phrases OR maybe just "to boldly go . . ."))
saturday i must watch the first star trek movie
sunday wrath of kahn
monday dude just sleep
fucking sleep
tuesday i fucking hate school fuck

also got school schedule today and
i dnt know anything about the teachers
i have APUSH 4th period with my cousin so fuck yesss i finally have a class with one of my friends yeah
but a slightly annoying fellow is in my english class 3rd period
i got haley ((any one remember freshman year intro to science?? i had her for like a month before i transferred. really dislike herrrrrr)) for bio (which btw taking again because she wouldnt give me like 2 points to get a C bbut hey what everrrr) first
 i got maths 5th but im changing the class cos i managed to pass but i dont know if theyll have room
got psychology 6th (fuck yess maaaan)
and spanish last i hate everything.
but heeeeeeeey

last year spanish and maths hopefully

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