Friday, May 24, 2013


Have i talked about this yet?
How terribly hot i find someone who is passionate about something?
Like anything.
You could literally be passionate about torturing people, If you're obviously very passionate and in love with what you are doing, its kind of hot.
I've noticed mainly with people performing recently,
People who look just so happy and greatful for being there (like recently, when we were doing HSM, there were nights when one persons huge group of friends would come to support them, and how they had performed on those nights, were just so beautiful, the looks on their faces.) its just so great.

and martyrs, people willing to die for their cause. Its great. And, as an example, from a movie we were watching in history, there was a guy who was really just not attractive to me in anyway, until it came to his wishing and acting upon wanting a change. then he became attractive, but when their lame ass "revolution" began, and he discovered they wouldnt kill him - and make the example for people to stand up - he just tried to kill himself instead. It was absolutely pitiful and he was disgusting.

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