Wednesday, July 24, 2013

went to paso  midstate fair
was hot as fuck
i didnt eat anything all day til like 5
(that burger was bomb tho like fuck)
it was fine
you know
would have been great to go with friends
the dudes in paso
when not groups of douche
are pretty nice in the face
the girls were too, last year, but theyve all seemed to evolve to sluts and i just
no im just going to laugh at the fair-sluts

my  uncles house is so fucking fine tho
like damn
bed was
and i just
it was nice
the houses in paso are nice
their 'ghettos' look like old60s-ish suburbs architecture
with like a mix of Hispanic culture
and then
they actually were built in the 60s because they just
were a bit
they should have been better maintained

i got my dave shirt too

also i was at the powells down in paso and just
fuck you hot peopel why do you have to work at places i go
now i have to talk to you
and they usually joke around cos theyre all confident in themselves and shit
just fuck you

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