Sunday, July 29, 2012


well, yeah okay I know I did.
at least for like, and hour and a half.
Because I dreamed.
About gay sex.
it wasnt half bad.
until it ended.
and, no i wouldnt be telling you this just for the shits and giggles, no.
It ended abruptly when Mr.Really-Fuckign-Hot's face decides to Morph into your Best dude friends face.
admittingly, one of the more attractive dude friends that I have, but, still.
It was just like OMFGBBQWTF DO NOT WANT. DO NOT WANT //wakes up terrified.

So then I looked for ways to fall asleep. And I found an app, Relax with Andrew Johnson. and, admittingly, probably a dumb idea to use this, as it its suppose to ". . . " Okay, I swear it said somewhere that it helped you unwind and be ready and awake for the day or something. . . but anyway, Used it to try and relax. And, I did relax. But, i also really didnt feel like I needed to sleep either.
So I read some Nosh fics.((omgdksgjfdkgshfdkgsdf gNosh<3 there needs to be more of you<3))
And then I learned about Sleeping patterns. and then I got linked to "7 mind bending dreams" on let me say this.
The guys over at LiveScience, are COMPLETE DICKS.
One of the '7' on that are someshit about nightmares. and the motherfuckign photo. THE MOTHERFUCK ---and now someones pestering me. Like seriouesly. at the oddest times. --
--i seriously cannot put up with a conversation right now. Im sorry "arcaneMobilizer" whoever thefuck you are. Its just. Mother fuck. Sleep deprivation and photos and Gay sex gone wrong... //sigh --- 
and then I went to sleep disorders to Sexsomina  to masturbation to . . . Fuck masturbation and its history is fucking weird. I couldnt stop laughing. Just go look it up on Wikipedia. I has new facts to share now.
*Eygyption Mythology - Universe started cuz Atum was Jacking off. Flow of the Nile has to do with the amount of his ejaculate at any given time. Pharaohs had to cum in the Nile for a ceremony sometimes.
*Greek Myth - Hermes taught Pan(his son) because Pan wanted Echo, but couldnt have her, And Hermes wanted to . . . Relieve his suffering. Pan then passed it on to young shepherds.
*May = Masturbation month, Because it used to be a national masturbation day, But it jsut jumped aroudn so,,,,, month it is!!
*Longest time masturbating(Male) 10hours, 10minutes Sonny Nash.
*theres a fund raising Marathon for masturbation. I forgot the US name for it, but the UK is Wank-a-thon. I have no clue how this works. 
*Corn flakes creator and Grahm cracker creator were anti-masturbation.
*The history of why 'masturbating is bad for you' is so fucking hilarious, and yet Painful sounding. . . read up on it.

I also tried to sleep again, and then sometihng in the corner fell, so I got up. 
Then I decided, I'm not doing anything s figure out what the fuck fifty shades of gray is.
Its ridiculous. 
Snowqueen Icedragon? Really? what are you, Five?
complete and utter bullshit.

then i read more Nosh.
Cause thats sooo not bullshit.

then i realized it was like, six, so i got up, turned on the light, took a piss, got some apple juice, 
and now I'm here. 
in my boxers.
cause no ones up to see or care about my fuckign awesome batman boxers.
But you care. Dont you, internet?
of import, Let

 DONT YOU?!!?!?!!?!?!

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