Tuesday, July 17, 2012

LARRY. (you allmight just wanna ignore this.)

So. . .  (For the TL;DR, pretty much summarized if you just go to the bolds:))
thins is gonna be awkward, and take me for ages(because I'm gonna try and make sure I spell shit right, and have spaces.), and. . . you all probably just dont care.
But, continuing on.
If your a fan of One Direction, You've probably at least dipped your toes into their online fandom - meaning mostly tumblr right now - and have a type on opinion on Larry or Elounor(I'm sorry if that ship name is spelt wrong :T).
And have gone on to see the ship wars.
which, I honestly believe is all the crazies fault. by this I mean the people that say larryis 99% likely to be real, while Elounor is 100% chance being management(*). When seriously, It should be less then 1% chance(because I'm to paranoid to say 0%)of Larry being real like they want it to be, and similar chances of Elounor being fake.
And its like, if a person ships Larry, like I do(just so  we dont makeany misunderstandings  here, I Ship Larry Stylinson.)(but, See the previous, less that 1%chances across the board here!), then NO shipping Elounor(which isnt even shipping,its real.), its like, ultimate NO in the Larry fandom. Which is ridiculous, because, review  1%. And Louis and Eleanor are adorable. Really. a fucking 3D cake, a fucking Tea, and, not that I give a shit about Rhianna, but RHIANNA. SERIOUSLY?! adorable. Truely.
And while I love the hilariousness, and Sexiness, of what I've seen of Larry, I treat it like I do any other ship that  comes from  TVshows, or the like(Except for Sterek . . .that one I just dont know about. . .), It's Never Gonna Happen IRL.
As much as you, and I, wish it could(i'd mean I wouldnt have to  feel creepy about this, and actual kisses, and well, hopefully somesexy GIFs:)).

FUTHER FUCKING MORE. assholes missusing the word shipping. Shipping as  a mother fucking couple. theres no "Oh, I ship larry!. . . .NO  EW. Not as a couple; BROMANCE." NO. FUCK YOU. ASSHAT.

*sigh, Management. Many people sometimes think  this is just a Larry shippers scape goat. . .which for a lot, it really is now. But, I doubt that there isnt a 'management' of sorts changing things around a bit. Because all bands, and such, do have them. So yeah, they(or the people writing articles) might paraphrase shit, yeah. But not choose who dates or doesnt or how they act. I mention the articles, because mainly the Crazies say the reason Louis saying Larry shippers were hurting his relationship with Harry  and Eleanor wasnt really him is because they were articles, not videos or voice recordings. anyone could have written that. Probably  Management, because  they dont joke like our boys do.About their serious relationship issues. Yep. Crazies.

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