Friday, July 27, 2012

I got carried away, I admit. . . I blame so much...

I've been feeling the need to yell this to the world fro a while, and I wasnt gonna do it cause no one cares, but presently a few things I've seen have thrown me over into letting you nonexistent people know this.

So, my AO3 invitation (no, havent gotten it(insertepiclysadsmileNOW.) But, I signed up for an invitation, I dunno, 2 or 3 months ago. and At first my invitation was estimated to show up some time around December 19th. then in a month it was the 3. the just a month ago it bopped from November 26 to october 16. now its october 4th.
and I'm  not gonna bitch about that.. In fact I'm extremely happy about how soon I feel this is. And the fact It might happen sooner. (im going to make an extremely sad and pathetic analogy. So, I'll state this, I dont this an invitation to this website is at all equal to a first kiss. but It is something that one can feel stupidly proud about, Like how it seems in primary school. Like just gloating rights.) Its like waiting for a first kiss. You cant wait for this milestone that can set you above the others around you. or the growth spurt to make you stand out from them. Its special and great. and its better to wait for it to come naturally instead of try and force it out. Because when that happens it removes all specialty from it. Dont rush through it. patience is the virtue that makes life special.  (this turned into a small rant about kids in my old primary school : | I dont even know why. Ima explain it now. because. . . BecauseofReasonsOkay!?)
Kids in my primary school would always try and see who got kissed first, who was taller, who was better in sports, who went through puberty first (idontevenknowman), who got the 'coolest' things, who lost their virginity. . . Yeah. Primary school.
And for I while I Sort of went with the gossip and such, and thought these were all that important too, but then, I mean, you grow up and understand, eventually, it either doesnt matter, Or matters way to much to be comparing who was First I'd rather compare who took their time, and fell in love, and didnt care what the others said. //sigh. Primary school . . . I would try and do it over, if I could.
(aiyfuahsdfaidsvjadiofvd I only got so inspirational feeling through this because im listening to a playlist that exposes all my moherfucking feels.)(it was suppose to be about bitches complaining about OMFGASDBAKJSDJAKSD AO3 u dix! y i gotz 2 wait so muthrfukin looooooooooong?!!?!/fvaa)

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