Saturday, July 14, 2012

Baby showers, SpaceBars, HELL(alsoknownasschool)

Are pretty boring.
Just so you know.
If you have to go to one and have any way to get out of it, take it.

In other news, I think my space bar is wigging out.
i keep  on having to go back and make sure there is a space.
Its getting sort of annoying, because, unlike other people, who either just stare at their screen, and dont need to see what theyre typing(though I can do that as well.), or just go back and forth between like each word or sentence or what ever, (and usually do so slowly! ), I just stare at the keyboard,and eventually(usually paragraph-ish or topic change-ish), I look to see if there are any mistakes. So having to check for spaces are a bit. . .I dunno. yeah.

School starts for me on August 14th. I  go to pick up ID/Schedule on the 9th. . . nervous yet excited.
I dont know if they changed my schedule format, because earlier they were gonna give a free 7th period(meaning I'd start at 7, end at two), but I wanted a open 1st (begin at  8, out at 3), and I filled out the form buuuut. Well, I dunno if there gonna actually change it.
Further more,  I know I'm gonna get the PE teacher i really dont want. I just know it.
I know pretty much what classes I'mhaving though. ((Bio.,Spanish1(D:), English2, algegra2(uuugh),PE2(last year of hell if i pass!!!), World/US history... I think its world though. . . not sure.)) Just need order and teachers now. . .

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