Wednesday, July 18, 2012

KANIMA(pt.2)// OtherTW.

last time I said Matt ft. Mr.Harris.
now. . .

Lydia, controlled by Peter Hale.
I really dont know if thats Lydia ft. Hale, Or Hale ft. Lydia.

I feel if you watched the most recent its obvious.

But well, here  I go in explaining.

Well, the Stilinski Duo thought Mr. Harris, because all the people(save Mr.AssHat-Who-Deserves-Every-Level-Of-Hell(AKA Lahey)were in his classes. But could have Peter Been in these Classes too?
Long shot, maybe, but hey, idgaf.

I still sorta think it might be Matt any how, Seeing as, they the fuck have him on the show other wise?
not just to be a stalker!

Isaac Fucking Lahey. (Lahey. . . great name::)
I love you.
You are adorable, and an idiot.
But so Fucking Adorable.

Boyd. . .
I dont even know.
Maybe I just loving seeing you because its rare?
Or because your such a BAMF when we do see you.
But your cool.

Erica,  Erica, Erica.
How much fucking anxiety did those fucking pills give you?
Because seriously.
Huge change  around.
I like you, but. . .
I dunno.
Sometimes you  seem a bit, offish.
Plus you just knocked Stiles right the fuck out. Maybe I'm still abit upset for that.

More so  on.
There was more Derek in this episode! woo!
We still need more screen time for him though.
and more time in scenes with Stiles. Definitely.

Oh, Oh, I almost forgot!
Alison. Alison and Scott...
Personally Scotts not my Favorite character.
And Alison. . .
Well, ,it getes complicated.
I like her when shes away from Scott most the time. Like when shes being bad ass and shoting shit.
but when shes all obsessing over Scott in a scene, or, I  dunno, suggesting to turn must on, then go fuck in the back of the car while you're suppose to be making sure a killing creature doesnt escape(not fulling blaming her for that. Scott had fault aswell, But Alison said music.), well. Its a bit annoying.
So. Ima side with the fact Alison and Scott shouldnt be together.

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