Sunday, June 30, 2013

im thinking abou tso much dick its starting to cause me pain

i tihnk im causing my self mental scars

because i cant
stop thinking

the fuckign
i hate you universe 

id pay serious money to see chris pine and zachary quinto fuck

like damn bro
kay in all honesty i just really want kirk to blow spock cos damn

So is it weird that a definitely want spock to be the one penetrating kirk,

but in all other circumstances, Kirk has to be more dominate

the fact im so admit about thes positions with  this ship

like i mean
i usually have the things i preferfor ships
but damn

this is like
it must be this way.

okay so im literally jut thinking about a lot of sex right now
and it totally sucks

and its fucking ridiculous
and pathatic
really really pathatic

and  i fucking hate it

but mostly because i usually love this shit
ill just sit and ponder
about all this

I fucking entertain myself just fucking Thinking about this shit and i literally mean just thinking

i will sit in a boring as fuck room
and wonder about that guys cock
or what if this dude and thatdude fucked
and just
but fuck


dont you hate it when your reading a smut fic and someone asks you to do something
and you cant say no so its just yeahwhat ever okay

and then next thing you fucing know your cooking someones fucking pasta for like 20 minutes

just thinking
i dont give ashit about your bloody linguine
all i give a shit about is spock passionately fucking the shit out of kirk  you hear me ?

fuuuuucking hell i hat e evneerytihnghkkdfhsfdgs



no but really fuck me

Saturday, June 29, 2013


i hate emotions

i need a feelings jam like right fucking now

but its like 1 in the fucking morning and my friend doesnt pick up her phone during the goddamn day

i feel like all my friends just know what theye fucking doing
like theyve got a purpose or some shit
or talent

or fuck
jsut something to do with theyre lives.

and yeah thats ridiculous
because one has fallen into a depression
the other is curious about black magic (though i think ive talked him out of it??)
and the other thinks shes like useless for some fucking reason

but fuck
all done shit with their lives
and we're only like 16

they know what they want to do
psychology and shit with writing
writing and filmmaking
writing and biology

and theyve all got school going so fucking well for them
and they know what theyre doing even withnot specifically thefuture

one just writes all the goddamn time
and theyve all got jobs
and lives


even if  some of my friends 'dont know what theyre doing with their lives'
theyve got the skills to fucking wing it
fucking boyscout schmoozing skill and knowing people and being able to fucking talk and do shit
and singing, writing, teaching, being a fucking normal, good person, being able to fuckign talk

im quickly falling into nothing and i cant fucking even

Friday, June 28, 2013

so this  is really stupid and
ill probably just delete it later if i see it

i hate having just bouts of being completely not turned on or horny or sexual in any way,
and it being just so completely perfect, and great, and just wow. thank god.

And then just
life plunging back into the fact of
ur gunna b horny now kay
just like
fuck off
go away
do not wanttttt

I just realized what i really want from season 9

I really
really just want Dean to beat the shit outta metatron
(by beat the shit outta i mean generally really gets back at him, not specifically in a literal 'beat the shit outta', but in some way. beats the holy fucking shit outta metatron.)
for taking castiels grace(and causing all the angels to fall, but mainly caSTIEL) because fuck
he trusted you man
we trusted you more than we normally would anyone in  your place

i just really want dean to be really furious at this guy for hurting Cas like that
you feel?

Im reading this fic, Veritas, and holy shit

has it got some of the best dialog i swear to god

just some of the dialog between kirk and mccoy i just cant

all time favorite sofar,
Did the bastard know that Spock was hot?
And he hadn't told Jim?



you can bet ill be writing more up on this later but just

Thursday, June 27, 2013

okay so  i tend to feel alot of the embarrassment for characters im  watching or reading or whatever
and this is reaally terrible because usually some of the best scenes will be totally embarrassing,
but fuuuuuuuuuck
it just
i try and
or fast forward
but the scenes are just ssooo good

so i end up really red or just covering my face


The Reason I Absolutly Hate Learning Spanish

(and I mean this with completely no offense to those who speak this language, enjoy this language, depend on this language, are Hispanic or Latino, anyone this can offend, i mean it completely in a way of having to learn it, for me, as opinion.)(and  i know that it can offend, rationally or not, I have felt pangs of (irrational) offense when people talk about why one language or another, that i enjoy, is terrible. so. Sorry to any offense i cause)

My teachers suck to start with.
one was pregnant  and out in the middle of the year, the other had some emotional hills due to personal reasons that caused her to be out for some time. So adjusting to new teacher, then sub(s), then the same old teacher just after you get used to the new one.
     Also one was a french teacher.

The whole idea of learning the language it speaking, where I can barely speak understandable english, especially not in front of a class or to a stranger. Writing i cant usually get used to after the first month or so,
but damn.
     also i plan for no use of spanish in my regular day-to-day life. Im only taking it because the choice is either french or spanish at my school and theres no way in hell that i'd get french right with all the accents and shit

Also it just irritates me that the sentences end up being long as fuck. seriously, almost all i do is trying to get things to be shorter when im talking to people, mainly because i take for ever to get the words out of my face, bust still. it normally just makes the sentences fucking long as shit when you go from english to spanish and its just

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbut its the one class i actually ever have people i eventually come to enjoy seeing so

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Primer for the Small Weird Loves by Richard Siken

 I have just discovered this and
I cannot even begin to say how much i absolutely adore it
 i think the first stanzas my favorite, maybe due to the fact i love mostly the first of anything, or the one i can have most relatablity(though very little still) or
I dunno but i really quite like it

The blond boy in the red trunks is holding your head underwater
because he is trying to kill you,
and you deserve it, you do, and you know this,
and you are ready to die in this swimming pool
because you wanted to touch his hands and lips and this means
your life is over anyway.
You’re in the eighth grade. You know these things.
You know how to ride a dirt bike, and you know how to do
long division,
and you know that a boy who likes boys is a dead boy, unless
he keeps his mouth shut, which is what you
didn’t do,
because you are weak and hollow and it doesn’t matter anymore.


A dark-haired man in a rented bungalow is licking the whiskey
from the back of your wrist.
He feels nothing,
keeps a knife in his pocket,
peels an apple right in front of you
while you tramp around a mustard-colored room
in your underwear
drinking Dutch beer from a green bottle.
After everything that was going to happen has happened
you ask only for the cab fare home
and realize you could have asked for more
because he couldn’t care less, either way.


The man on top of you is teaching you how to hate, sees you
as a piece of real estate,
just another fallow field lying underneath him
like a sacrifice.
He’s turning your back into a table so he doesn’t have to
eat off the floor, so he can get comfortable,
pressing against you until he fits, until he’s made a place for himself
inside you.
The clock ticks from five to six. Kissing degenerates into biting.
So you get a kidney punch, a little blood in your urine.
It isn’t over yet, it’s just begun.

Says to himself
The boy is no good. The boy is just no good.but he takes you in his arms and pushes your flesh around
to see if you could ever be ugly to him.
You, the now familiar whipping boy, but you’re beautiful,
he can feel the dogs licking his heart.
Who gets the whip and who gets the hoops of flame?
He hits you and he hits you and he hits you.
Desire driving his hands right into your body.
Hush, my sweet. These tornados are for you.

You wanted to think of yourself as someone who did these kinds of things.
You wanted to be in love
and he happened to get in the way.


The green-eyed boy in the powder-blue t-shirt standing
next to you in the supermarket recoils as if hit,
repeatedly, by a lot of men, as if he has a history of it.
This is not your problem.
You have your own body to deal with.
The lamp by the bed is broken.
You are feeling things he’s no longer in touch with.
And everyone is speaking softly,
so as not to wake one another.
The wind knocks the heads of the flowers together.
Steam rises from every cup at every table at once.
Things happen all the time, things happen every minute
that have nothing to do with us.


So you say you want a deathbed scene, the knowledge that comes
before knowledge,
and you want it dirty.
And no one can ever figure out what you want,
and you won’t tell them,
and you realize the one person in the world who loves you
isn’t the one you thought it would be,
and you don’t trust him to love you in a way
you would enjoy.
And the boy who loves you the wrong way is filthy.
And the boy who loves you the wrong way keeps weakening.
You thought if you handed over your body
he’d do something interesting.

The stranger says there are no more couches and he will have to
sleep in your bed. You try to warn him, you tell him
you will want to get inside him, and ruin him,
but he doesn’t listen.
You do this, you do. You take the things you love
and tear them apart
or you pin them down with your body and pretend they’re yours.
So, you kiss him, and he doesn’t move, he doesn’t
pull away, and you keep on kissing him. And he hasn’t moved,
he’s frozen, and you’ve kissed him, and he’ll never
forgive you, and maybe now he’ll never leave you alone.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


All I have to say is Isaac Lahey.

 Fucking derek though like what the hell man. not cool.
I just really want to know what the fuck was up with that
Also I want to place a small bid on cora isaac relations somehow.
Though i dont know how old sheis and thats a big detail so.

Im digging the more danny theyre putting in.

Also that teacher what the hell, hes always involved in this shit
and now im thinking its  some how illogically matt 
but thats not gonna happen so
 le sigh

I want my fucking adopted hale status isaac you fuckers

Saturday, June 22, 2013

went to warped tour today

at the shoreline.
It was alright, but, i didnt really have high hopes in the first place?
Im not to into the bands anymore so
got lots of free shit though so

thats cool

Ionly went to go properly listen to like four bands, the ones my friends liked.

the only one amanda liked, though, we just kind of stood in the very back of the crowd cos she was a bit to afraid to get really into it (which is fine i hate struggling through crowds)
it was oone of the better bands ihad to listen to, but , i cant remember the name.

My other friend had us go to like 3 of her bands.
the first one, I didnt really have an opinion of the music, it wasnt really bad or good or anything, but the crowd was the best; it was majority like 20ish year old people in the crowd, so they would properly mosh, yknow, and also keep up like, being good people and picking people up and making sure surfers didnt fall. (most the time. there were someguys that got dropped on unsuspecting chicks.) (My friend actually pissed me off at this cos she'd like elbow people from pushing her and it was just. really.. she also dropped a surfer almost, the guy behind her caught him(he was cool. one of those guys that make sure people arent being complete dicks.), but she just like completely moved.) (Felt kinda lame in this one cos i was holding my friend amanda, cos again, she was scared of falling annd shit so)
the last one she had us go to was Never Shout Never, which was lame. but                 fine
i suppose
 she had us go to, i think, sleeping with sirens(??), whose crowd straight up sucked.
It was a bunch of immature assholes, dropping, trampling, not helping people up, just pushing at people when trying to get out, they through shoes at the lead singer. they hit him in the face once. He stopped like 5 times to tell them to let people up, and it was really cool of him. they didnt really get to play much, which, to be honest, they seemed like cool people, and they played fine, and just. i didnt really dig it, their music.

We spent a nice amount of our time sitting up on the benches near the stage some of the kind of lesser known bands would play and just listen to them while playing hangman or something. It was cool, i liked their music alot actually.

so all in all
I dont know if id do it again, bacause people piss me off, and i dont really dig the big bands there.
But i might again,  because Free Shit, the cooler crowds, lesser known bands.

Also I really wanted to buy a hat there, But all the designs they had were really lame :T
I only spent $2 all day, and it was on a snapple cos the starbucks we were waiting at closed at 8(the only starbucks ive ever known to close that early) and 7-11 was right next to it and i had ran out of water.

Ive got sun burns on the tops of my shoullders adn a bit of a pink face.
im very tired.
i stupidly went to bed at like 3 or 4, woke up at 9, aaaaaaaaaaaaand
i usually sleep till like 2in the afternoon so

Friday, June 21, 2013

In the Flesh

Okay so if you havent watched this you totally should because its awesome.
totally completely awesome
and i wasnt expecting it

its only Three episodes so far, so really. watch it.

Also I really want some fic from before the rising and everything.
When kieren and rick were teens and such you know

Thursday, June 20, 2013



Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Poor lydia, and Stiles, and just. SIGGGH.

(the thingwith scott talking to Argent in the parking lot was funny i enjoyed it)

 unsure of how to feel towards alison,

SO when isaac was leaning up on the tree and argent was explaining tracking or what ever Isaac looked fairly attracted to the man and then an admiration ship was born. as like that i had shipped for Isaac on to scott last season. So ive decided isaacs realized Scotts a bro, moved on and now argent is attractive. because Argent is attractive. Also it distresses me slightly when i dont have anyone to ship people with. and now theres no erica and erica/boyd was canon before anyso sdfjkakdslf.
(still loving Isaac being and adopted Hale, since the season 2 finale. I WANT)

Also not digging Derek/Teacher chick, really just because, really could you make that anymore cliche. just. the whol scene where derek walks up tho the fucking fence gate thing with the light behind him just. wow. Force that on me you assholes. (also why woul dyou have the ripped up and bloody stranger go get the teacher in the first place? Why not send the clean students she probably knows?????)

Also, Virgins are dieing oh god we're doomed.


I watched this finally.
twas good.
but i kind of watched it at like one in the morning on sunday, i believe, so i cant remember exactly all that i wanted to say.
I remembered though that i liked a lot of the phrasing in the narration(? not really narration but, i dont know the opening and ending to it, i cant even man but it was good. it really came from what he was saying you know, the writing how you are and shit whatever you know. ?)
The animation, was cool, but odd. very very odd. i liked how ech thing flowed into the next.
every thing seemed very well for this

the oly thing i didnt like i show Franco read howl. I dont know if ginsberg ( unsure of name spelling to be honest) had actually read it that way, but, well.  its was weird. Understandable performance, though, if Ginsberg had read it that way.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

(i really need this fic like bad, but i cant find anything up to par anddddddd guhghgug
this vid here, from like, 3:22, and i just
i need that fic
so like 
i really need a dubcon, destiel ,master/slave dom/sub what ever the shit, sub!dean fic like i cant even 
i wish i could wriiite

ill look more  tomorrow.)

The Press of the Plunger

(KissTheBoy7, les mis umbrella.)
eR fic,
generally really hot but kind of sad at the same note, due to Grantaire jsut saying how much enjolras will probably hate him tomorrow.

(Grantaire lets Enjolras shoot up, and then generally molest him.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sleeping now because i cannot even begin to comprehend what the fuck is going on with all my goddamn fucking tabs and asdfjsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf
overload on eR porn sorry bye

oh my god im reading another fic featuring watersports i dont even 
I dont even find it hot at all bu tit features frottage and thats super hot at this author is amazing
KissTheBoy7 on AO3
those authors that are so good it doesnt matter what kink their writing as long as its a kink and is slightly hot just
watersports is so grooosssssss
I found a teacher/student eR fic

thank god

Hot for Teacher (such a simple name though :( )

Its NoT FinIShEd THouGHsdsdfsdjflaksdfasdfsadgfsdfsdlfkasdlfk

(Grantaires daydreams are nearly perfect, I swear. I feel him you know.)
(I feel like its almost the perfect dynamic. I mean, R's feelings towards enjolras, the terrible unrequited love or lust, could be quite similar to that of student to teacher, and the student is fine with being ignored or nearly degraded because its their teacher, ita what happens.
I dunno. I just think its somehow perfect.)

(oh and uh, yeah - the porn is fucking fantastic, too)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


(le amis de l'abc)
Got Grantaire 2 1/2 times
Courfeyrac 1/2 timesss
(the 1/2 because one of the questions my answer was either this or that and i checked both.(daydreaming of a single person was Grantaire, daydreaming of many was courfeyrac)
bossuet 1

(over all characters)
Eponine 1/2
jean valjean 1/2 (i have not a single fucking clue. really.)

(just the women)
Eponine 1/2
mme. Thenardier 1/2
(this is the apparent difference between what you do with $50)

(my 'theme song')
"bring him home" (even a question with three separate answers, I ended up with this so. i guess its me :T)

(enjolras  purity test)
36.7% like, 63.3% different

(Grantaire purity)
58.7% like, 41.5% different (oh god. i dont think this is specifically a good thing. even if i love the character.)

(what slash pairing. . . okay this is really just for stupid fun)
Javert/valjean (eeeeewwejwrjdksfjsdfno i dont even, how.)
enjolras/combeferre (the difference between this and ^that^ is apparently how much angst. this is apperently in doses, ^that^ is all angst. sdjfa)

And now I feel sufficiently lame for completing all these. Goodnight.

Monday, June 10, 2013


so i dont know if i said this last season but essentially i just really like the idea of isaac being like,adopted hale status.
cos like derek needs family isaac needs family peter.......... yeah.  (its also like 3 people nearly 3 different generations 3 different scales of personality and it fits with the familys 3 thing)

plus i really just kind of make everyone isaac likes older brother status
like scott too
isaac just has daddy issues and needs an older male figure in his life who wont really beat the shit putof him or abuse him bodily in anyway

i dont ship him with anyone but erica but that doesnt really happen any more ao

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

american idiot

saw it again with my friend today(6/6/13)
was in row C
yes. row C. thats usually  fucking ORCHESTRA PIT we were infront ofthe first row.
i was seat 1. dead center.
got a yellow guitar pic with like a turtle or something on it (its pretty faded)(my friend got a black american idiot one) i think it was like wills or someone to like the left of him causese yeah
also got back of my shirt signed by casey ofarrell(will), alex nee(johnny), and trent saunders(st jimmy) so awesome

saunders and ofarrell were really nice (it was weird with sainders cos you know hes st jimmy, and had the hair and you know. odd. super nice) and i was too mervous to talk to Nee because hes just sort of suprisingly really nice in the face(like i knew he was cute, same with the other guys but like, he was really striking u know.)
super cool.

EEEDDIIIY: Guitar pick was johnnys, I repeat, yellow = johnny i has yellow yay.
ways to excited dskjfalsdf

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Im really enjoying Burning Down the House how The Used perform it.

i think itd be really cool to know what sherlock holmes would be able to, like, see from looking at me?
Like you know in sherlock he just looks at a person and is like alskdflaksdjfkadhgdfg
it be cool.
and i mean like
I'd have some average things to worry about if it was in public
closet pervertedness
insecurities and shit
but like
it be pretty cool.

and to know specifically how you could see what you saw

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

American Idiot

Saw it for the first time today,
Was really really great.
Dude, my seat was fantastic, for me, too. We were Orchestra row 12 seat 4. damn perfect.
our johnny was john krause though so. He was actually really good though, so im wondering how the main guy who was suppose to play johnny is. (dude was pretty fit too, tbh.)
I really loved generally everything abut this? From staging to choreography, costumes, characters, details.
very very good.
All i can really say is go see it.
in one scene, i think it was 20b ((east 12th street) on the songs list, one of the guys pretty sure it was carson higgins, had a damn fine jacket. like damn. (also Carson Higgins like wow. (keep your hair styled up though okay, okay.))

so there were also alot of general old people at the show who get like the show season tickets at the theatre, and it was kind of funny hearing them talk about it. because generally they actualy liked it, but also like, they would talk about it like old people to so it was really funny.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Three Questions by lang leav


New Book! ‘Love & Misadventure’ by Lang Leav available here!

Religion-y-ish things

okay so while im catholic, and completely proud of my religion and loving of my God,  and believe he did create the universes, and there is only one God, I disagree with alot of the more. . . small details?
for instance (I dont know if everyone believes this or if its just one of the more seen features), the belief that only one of the most main-stream religions God is the actual God. I See it more as it is the same God - which it is, all the God of Abraham - Different, rules, per-say. ways to pray, beliefs of, etc.
   For instance, the belief God created the world in 7 days. I dont believe He said let there be this and then there was this. I believe it was more of. . . Saying this shall happen, and then this will cause this, and Finally create this. ((Giving also for the idea of 'fate' or 'destiny' or what ever you may call it - the idea God knows and controls what happens to us. I think its more of a 'Control these Check-Points.' sets up a beginning, middle(s) and End. What happens in between each, lesser so in control of.)) So back to the creation of the world/universe, this Also incorporates the physics, science, evolution, etc.
    I think the bible, like all Old Great Text, needs to be translated, to a more modern society. Like one would Shakespeare.Though of course also realizing that the text has been translated from other languages and age and dialect. its no longer face value, if it ever were. Because even if it was word of God, the Holy Spirit, it was still word written by a man. Sure, a man chosen by God, but still, As the words hit page, it  was already being translated from a holy speech, to general interpretations or  Cliff notes.

Now further more. I dont think all other older religions(of, in example, Greek, Roman, Norse, Aztec, etc) are myth, legend, or just bullshit. I think they all do hold relevance and truth. And if their gods were not just maybe great Kings or Rulers, or what ever have you, that had themselves coined as gods, they may have been, for those who were said to have powers, near superhumans. Or, well, Elites. And either they didnt have other words for this, or more likely, WE dont have better words for this. So, yes, I believe that many of these religions were based off maybe Rulers or men who thought them self better, or maybe just societies that found them to be this, and were worshiped, like we worship our God(s). but bottom line, i dont think they (all) were just stories picked from someones imagination. they had physicalities to them. Actual beings.

So. TO get to the point of all this,
  I think id like to experience the, Culture(?) Of ancient Greeks or Romans. Though, not exactly all of it. just, how society actually all was, not just what we find in books. How they  Actually did worship, or how often, not how much they were said to or suppose to (example, I (as a catholic) am suppose to go to church every sunday, sometimes wednesdays, Not eat meat (or fast) for lent, etc, etc). How things were actually conducted with people too, as for, well, okay so, how men were always suppose to be in an active, dominant type in typically any thing, as well as sex. then,  what would happen if it came out a man was submissive for a woman, how his neighbors would actually react ((ie, difference between Law and Government, and how your peers actually react)) and same with men in homosexual relationships. how these things were actually treated. I just, really want to know, as well, how people actually acted for their gods.

(((End note, I actually really tend to specify between my lower-case 'g' gods and upper-case 'g' God. as in, as for having lack of a better word for these 'elite' people in their society, they would call them gods. Superior to them, but not to the all higher force that is God.))

Monday, June 3, 2013

oaky but no i reall ykind of just want a really fluffy fluff fluffffffy like questionably platonic its so fluffy of athelstan and gyda because im majorly fucked up bu tyeah
or like jsust even
Athelstan trying to take care of/ watch bjorn and gyda and just kind of floundering around like
how to i cAre FOR NORSE CHILD WHO THINKS HES MAN though hes lik e watch 14 13 technical man and bloddy 11 12 year old girl HOW

ww okay bye
and then we almost completely crossed that line full out knowing that we shouldnt so obviously we stop before we go over the line completely so sadly you dont geany bloodgratifictaion from it but fuck all thats fine because goddamn it theres a bloody line but dear god your on that fucking line and shishould t have done that fuck fuck fick fuckfncimf cufk cufkflfncukf fickfncufmfi
dear God help me. mdkdmdkd
squirt is such a fucking gross sounding word jfc
its almost as bad as moist i fucking swear
i kind of just really wish i had a dick alright
like not even though realyy
cuz im completely fine wish identifyingas female and pronouns and shit
im fine writh my tits
i kind of am really into dudes yay penissss and your great fucking nipples and pectorals or ehatever the fuck and even though there is something to be said about the attractivness of some breasts, vaginas are just a deal breaker so yeah as a female i am straight

i kind pf just wish
i had adick

just an fyi written i. ipod at 2:48 am okay okay i appiligize for ant rambling or terrible spelling dkondering oksy on
okay so like i dont really ship anything in vikings you know yeah
and i just came to that realization recently
but even worse off
i just realized the only thing i really fucing almost came close
subconsiously ship really slightly
is athelstan and ragnars like fucking elEVEN YEAROLD DAUGHTER LIKE JFC
with my becuase shit no.
i had to fuckin  search up what the fuck her goddamn name is (gyda) and i cnat even remember why i was like
"oh athelstan you seems to interested me dear"
when the fuck
has she really said anything
i cant
like 11
how ld are these peopel  even
fno but like i dont really ship it it was like moment (and the only moment in the show in which i was really like, oh? but anyways) of like, oh well... thats  kind of a bit of attention your giving there.. .OH GADDAMN SHES LIKE TENNO. not like that was really out of place though then in the time though i mea nreally hes like 23 shes like 12 sounds like romeo and juliete to me except not romeo more like that other guy that wanted to marry her and was doin it all right by so their time period and asked her dad what was him name paris? yeah its like paris and julliete. though really i dont kno wwhat norse-y viking-y peope did i mean who know i dont

i was kiind of shipping athelstan and ragnor but then i liked him and his wife together too much really.and the sort of slave thing kind of died out so boo.