Monday, August 6, 2012

Teen Woooooolfffffffffff.


I thought Isaac was gonnna die. and it was all like Noooooooooooo!!!11!!!1!!!!
But, anyways,
I was quite excited coach was back(:
'cause hes awesome.
But anyway, I was sad to realize that Peter is probably that person Dereks  gonna be unsuspectingly trusting :T
and it looks like they are developing both their Stydia and Jackson/Lydia relationships.
I approve.
I do.
Alison, Shes just turning into a bitch. Like seriously.
and Chris Argent remains the sane push-over.
Sigh, i like Chris Argent. Hes got morals, to a point. And a Code. A Code I'm sure he'd love to be  fallowing.
But, alas, he is such a push-over D:

I loved the scene were Stiles scored a goal. It was so cutely heartwarming.
At the end, I thought it was Stiles who was lying there.
And then when Melissa McCall was trying to see if he was breathing, or treat him, All I could think of was all the padding he still had on. like, wouldnt you take that off?
Also, when Jackson warned Danny, Heart = Exploding.
Furthermore, I like this brotherly bond Isaac and Scott seem to be forming.
The only thoughts I got from this being a slashy relationship was from this scene:

But even there I feel like it'd be Isaac all crushing on Scott and Scott just beig like :Oh, wow, Yeah sorry dude, dont swing that way!
((but omgfkdllasdjfasd fI love that gif right there. like. . . you dont even know.))(maybe its just cuz Lahey is so Cute <3))

OhOhOh, Also, I loved the masturbation joke;)

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