Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fuck This.
Fuck Everything.
Fuck School,
Fuck Driving,
Fuck Homework,
Fuck Friends,
Fuck Teachers,
Fuck you fuckass twats.

What the fuck.
what, the actual fuck.
Nobody gives a shit about what they should be giving a fuck about.
My math teacher is like  a fucking psych. support class.
treat yourself well, complement yourself, believe in your self,
My Bio teacher is thinks shes a coach. And has space issues. And is one of those people that inserts all types of opinions that dont matter into the curriculum. Seriously, I couldnt care less about your opinion on the country's funding to us getting into space. When you dont even know why were there. Your a fucking science teacher. get with the fucking program.

Oh, and heres the real kicker,
My Spanish teacher is a French Teacher. 
My Spanish Teacher, is a goddamn French Teacher.

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