Monday, August 6, 2012

I have a problem.

Like, seriously.

I have a problem, with like, needing shit to be accurate in the most ridiculous ways.

Like porn for example.
The complete point of something can be that its just suppose to be sexy(examples: Fanfics, Vids, (worst of all,)Sucker Punch), But if it has drastic inaccuracies that arent explained by the fact its AU, has seperate mythology, or are fuckin aliens (or is just straight up suppose to be motherfucking ridiculous in all motherfucking ways, no joke), Its just fucking ruined. Completely.

The example I mostly use for this:
Sucker Punch.
The shit was just suppose to be all about hot girls. Dont even try and deny it.
But when one chick gets stabbed and supposedly 'dies of blood loss', She barely bleeds at all.
Like, holy fucking shit no.

and thats ridiculous.
that that is what i walk away with.
holy fucking shit.
why does this bother me so much?

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