Saturday, August 11, 2012

I just remembered about the meteor shower  a ittle whiel ago, and
I went out and looked now in my back yard
And there are enough lights as it is, but I had my back yard liight dimmed a bit(cuz im too much of a pussy to actual stand in my backyard in the dark) and I stared up for a while, and like, didnt see anything.
and then I saw two go across,
and I smiled like the giddiest motherfucker out there.

Then I ran and got my brother and made him stand out front with me for a bit.
I saw one or two, but, like i said, shit tons of lights,
and my brother went in side and i, again, didnt want to stay out side by myself so I went in.
and here I am.
Happiest motherfucker.

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