Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Okay, so like,
have you ever been like, Watching or reading or whatever, some real good porn/smut/erotica/W.e?
And then some one just up and out of the blue texts you, even though its like 12.37 where they live, and you cant just ignore them, because of course this is a person you've been wanting to really talk to recently.
so you go one trying to text them and Watch/Read/ect., because y'know you do have to wait for them to respond so it makes complete sense, you have the time.
But, It's, It feels weird.
Like having a conversation with someone while getting yourself off.
I would hate to be having a conversation with someone whos rubbing one out at the same time.
Like, Okay, No. I'm not right now, I just mean, potentally, somewhere off in my brain, Its turned on. 
there is ddopamine similar to that you would get from sex, Going off in my brain.
But still, to beclear, Im not  molesting myself now. No. NOTEARLIEREITHEROMGAKLSDFAJSDFKJASDF))

I get creeped out when I learn the person I'm texting is in the shower or bathroom at the same time as talkign to me.
I mean really.
Why would you even do that to me?
Imagine if the rolls were switched.
not that im doig that.
Im not.
((imean yeah, sure, I like this guy, but as a bro, sorta,rightnowomgdkljfakfdjadsklf, and sure I have abit of a masturbation kink, but, I mean, no dude, no.))

So, has that happened to you?
Just me?
as a complete and utter failure.

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