Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm taking Homestuck quizzes. watch out.

23% ARADIA, 17% TAVROS, 15% SOLLUX, 40% KARKAT, 41% NEPETA, 33% KANAYA, 19% TEREZI, 20% VRISKA, 5% EQUIUS, 21% GAMZEE, 6% ERIDAN and 24% FEFERI!

You got Dave

result image You got Dave, have fun with that.


result image You tend to be crabby in multiple ways, and act like you don't care about your friends, when really you do. You also have pretty low self esteem. Cheer up! You're not all that bad, in reality. You're caring when you need to be, and you make a pretty good leader, too! Maybe to the point that you have the capability to round up a bunch of people who hate each other and make them work together as a team! You can be really helpful when people come to you with their problems, but first you have to take care of your own problems first, or you might just end up yelling at them rather than helping. Associated color: Gray Associated Astrological Sign: Cancer

John Egbert
You are a carefree, good-natured prankster who does not like pastries or clowns, yet has a love of bad movies. You are very friendly and a bit of a derp.

John Egbert

John twice. . .i dont agree with it, but its pretty cool(:

[ ] Cancer is your zodiac sign.
[ ] You hate the color red. (its not my favourite, but, yeah)
[ ] You like to program computers.
[ ] You fail at it.
[x] You don't put up with anyone's bullshit.
[x] You love to argue and support your arguments with empty logic. (sometimes. If its not like, serious shit)
[ ] You never smile.
[/] You get aggravated easily.
[x] You act like an asshole but deep down you care for your friends.
[x] You have problems with relationships.

TOTAL: 5 1/2

Vriska Serket (♏)
[ ] Scorpio is your zodiac sign.
[ ] Dark blue is your favourite color.
[ ] You love to roleplay. 
[ ] You like spiders. (HOLYSHITFUCKNO.)
[ ] You like end of the world scenarios such as the zombie apocalypse, fall-out invasion, etc.
[x] Magic 8-balls are cool. 
[ ] You are very manipulative.
[ ] You are a huge bitch. (Sometimes I guess, but not all the time.)
[x] You easily get bored.
[ ] You blame your problems on other things, such as 'bad luck'.
[/] You have an addiction to breaking things.
[ ] You never clean up after yourself.

TOTAL: 2 1/2

Tavros Nitram (♉)
[ ] Taurus is your zodiac sign
[ ] Your favourite color is orange and/or brown.
[ ] You love card and roleplaying games.
[X] You believe in FAIRIES, even though they AREN'T REAL. (totally real, asshat >:T)
[ ] You are too sensitive.
[ ] You never really hate anybody.
[ ] You like to communicate with wildlife. (ha. ha. ha.)
[ ] You have a friendly attitude. 
[ ] You are pretty good at poetry.
[ ] You FLARP.
[x] You sometimes stutter when you talk. (omg, saddly yes  like ufgsjdfgjdfgsdfgisdfg)


Terezi Pyrope (♎)
[ ] Libra is your zodiac sign
[ ] Your favourite color is red and/or teal. (its a great mix of colours though.)
[ ] You are more interested in taste and smell than sight.
[ ] You love dragons. (Dragons are cool, but I've never been hugely interested in them or anything.)
[ ] You lov3 to sp34k 1n l33t. (No. just. No.)
[ ] You love plushies. (meh.)
[ ] You love to roleplay.
[ ] You are a sociopath.
[ ] You are almost always grinning.
[/] You take interest in law and justice.
[x] You like to draw. (suuuuuuuuuuck)
[ ] You can be really flirty sometimes.

TOTAL: 1 1/2

Kanaya Maryam (♍)
[x] Virgo is your zodiac sign.
[ ] Your favourite color is jade.
[ ] You love fashion.  (Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.)
[ ] You love to sew. (its cool, but, . . . i mean, its not that cool.)
[x] You love literature.
[x] You have no problem getting into fights.
[ ] Chainsaws are awesome. (freak me the fuck out.)
[ ] You like make up. (haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
[/] You are a pretty creative person when it comes down to it.
[ ] You like the taste of blood.
[ ] Getting revenge is always high on your list.

TOTAL: 3 1/2

Aradia Megido (♈)
[ ] Aries is your zodiac sign.
[ ] Maroon is your favourite color. (. . .I read Maroon as Mushroom. . .)(itwasliek,"thefuck,sincewhenismushroomacolour?")
[ ] You inadvertently make frog noises.
[ ] 0_0 is your favourite emote.
[ ] You like ARCHAEOLOGY.
[ ] You like to destroy things out of boredom.
[ ] You can hear voices that no one else can hear.
[ ] You used to roleplay.
[ ] You are obsessed with temporal inevitability.
[ ] You are a very violent and confrontational person.
[ ] You're sometimes spooky in appearance.
[ ] You love talking about depressing things.


Equius Zahhak (♐)
[ ] Sagittarius is you zodiac sign.
[ ] Your favourite color is royal blue.
[ ] You have a widow's peak.
[ ] You sweat a lot.
[ ] You love being strong.
[ ] You SUCK AT ARCHERY. (um. Im good at it sometimes.)
[ ] You have a great appreciation for THE FINE ARTS.
[ ] Practically everything MAKES YOU FURIOUS.
[ ] You have so much rage, it can only be expressed through STAGGERING QUANTITIES OF PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.
[ ] You like to build things.
[x?] You have some pretty strange fetishes.
[ ] You love playing high stakes games.


Nepeta Leijon (♌)
[ ] Leo is you zodiac sign.
[/] Your favourite color is green. (oneofthem.)
[x] You love cats.
[ ] :3 is your favourite emote.
[ ] You are into furries. (omg, fuck no. No.)
[x] You love to draw. (suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck)
[ ] You have a heightened sense of smell.
[ ] You are freaking obsessed with friendly roleplaying.
[ ] You have a naive view of everything.
[/] You love 'OTP'. (I. . . I dont. . .what? How do you. . .Shipping. I like shipping.)
[ ] You are just too cute.
[ ] And very playful.

total: 3

Sollux Captor (♊)
[ ] Gemini is your zodiac sign.
[ ] Your favourite color is yellow.
[ ] You speak with a bit of a lisp.
[ ] You are a totally sick hacker.
[ ] You have bipolar mood swings.
[/] You are pretty introverted.
[x] You beat yourself up over little things. (holy fuck like you dont know.)
[x] You like to keep everything mismatched such as your clothing. (yep. Most the time.)
[x] You think you are not good enough.
[ ] You'd rather be technical then use brute force.
[/] You think you have voices in your head, but it really is just your paranoia. (D:)
[x] Your best friend is a dick.


Feferi Peixes (♓)
[ ] Pisces is your zodiac sign.
[ ] Your favourite color is magenta.
[ ] You love wearing colorful clothing.
[/] You love to swim. (I like floating around lazily in a pool, but not SWIMMING much. allergic to chlorine too.)
[ ] You get really excited easily.
[ ] You are very very perky and energetic.
[ ] You are optimistic and fearless.
[ ] You are stronger than you look. 
[ ] You love looking after animals. 
[ ] You are very modest.
[ ] You have a pretty good tolerance when it comes to annoying things.
[x] You have a slightly rude and insulting side. (i, i dont know if i should tag tihs, cuz, like, its not a side really. it just is me.)

TOTAL: 1 1/2

Eridan Ampora (♒)
[ ] Aquarius is your zodiac sign.
[/] Your favourite color is purple. (one of 'em.)
[ ] You dress flamboyantly.
[ ] You have an affection for tales of historical leaders, conquerors, and military history.
[ ] You have a massive ego.
[ ] You love magic and wizards. (love, not so much.)
[ ] you have a genocide complex
[x] You swear like a sailor. (sometimes..)
[ ] You try to make friends with everybody regardless of their opinion of you.
[x] You get jealous a lot. 
[x] You are romantically lost. (. . .)
[ ] You are kind of a tool. (would anyone really adimit to this?)

TOTAL: 3 1/2

Gamzee Makara (♑)
[ ] Capricorn is your zodiac sign.
[ ] Your favourite color is indigo.
[ ] You like clowns.
[/] You like sweet things.
[x] You like to bake. (suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck)
[x]You are pretty laid back.
[/] You don't like knowing the technology or science behind things. (i will totally ask like, how the shit does this work? and then some one answers ill just be like, No No, dont. its to awesome. //swats person in face.)
[ ] You are impulsive and/or unpredictable.
[ ] You are silly and eccentric.
[ ] You like Insane Clown Posse.
[x] You cuss a lot.
[ ] You are a stoner. (. . .I've been told i seem like one but im totally against me using drugs. I dont think I will react to great to that.)


Karkat(5 1/2) then, I guess? With runner ups as Sollux(5) and Gamzee(4)


I feel its important to say, Im only a bit into act 4. I think John just met Kanaya. i think these facts are correct right here. <------
but, I dont know.
Im procrastinating by doing this.
well, Guess I'll go read homestuck now - - -
Oh, wait, look at the time, gotta sleep (:

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