Saturday, August 11, 2012

According to You

((askldfjlaskdfjalsdkfsdfsdf talking is confusing. If its not obvious I'm using You as old guy, Him as new guy, as song does. If its not uppercased, well then.))

Okay, so, unpopular opinion here, Because I know a lot of people like to say the song in sorta representing the chick not staying with the guy whos put her down all the time, and being stronger and finding a guy who supports her.
But, I've never really looked up if the artist has ever said anything about it or not, or see a music video for it, so sorry if I'm just repeating the obvious.

OKay, so,
I sort of always viewed the song to be, yeah, the girls sort of, i dont know, rubbing it in the guys face that, y'know, shes found someone that, of course supports her in all the ways he put her down. and saying that she loves this guy so much for that and You is nothing to her now really.
But, I always found the repetitive Going back to talking about You, and having to compare You to Him,  and, Personally, I always thought, that even though Him supported her more, and maybe obviously sorta loved her more, She like You better.

but, I dunno
Song ramblings.

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