Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It pisses me off

When people are all "Oh, just love the body you're in!"
But its like, No.

You are morbidly obese.
Whether you acknowledged it or not.
And that is not okay.
it is not okay, because it is not healthy and you are slowly dieing.
That is not something to be proud of.
You are anorexic.
You need protein.
You need  meat on your bones.
So it is not okay.
Because you are not healthy.

Even if your just overweight (I am, now.(and losing weight, because I realize, ITISNOTHEALTHY)) you should just be proud of who you are.
Dont hate yourself, But understand the fact, Its not healthy.
Dont encourage me to stay the way I am.
Even if I do love who I am,
I Am Not Healthy.
And I should be.

Its not bullying, its being practical.
Im not sayign its disgusting.
Im not saying its terrible for the fact you are fat or a stick.
Im saying its bad, because its not healthy.

Love the mind and life you are given, and respect it enough to keep your body healthy, so that you can live that out as long as possible.

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