Sunday, August 5, 2012

So there was this one time, while I was running and eavesdropping,

And, the girls running(see: Walking) a bit behind me were talking(see: One blabbing while the other nodded) about One Direction.
And the one girl says something along, "And he's just like, what, 18? Completely legal there."
"Oh, and He's totally a Virgo, which, I guess is like, my perfect Zodiac match so, its like, totally meant to be!"
I just wanted to turn aroudn and slap a bitch, and be all like, "Do you know how many motherfucking people are Virgos?!? I'm a fuckign Virgo! Does tht mean I could be your prefect match! SHIT."

Of course, I already had a bias agenst this idiot by now, because she also said Louis was ugly and gay (see: using, of course, the most ridiculous definition of the word), and Niall looked like he was a twelve year old with ADHD.
and saying my favorite person on campus was a redneck hillbilly.
SO yes.
Bitch needs to be slapped >:T

((I realized when I started this I might just tell you guys about things that happend before, and I havent done that in ages. So, here you go. I was just thinking about this)

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