Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm getting really tired of my friends. . .

And, I dont know. . . its really awkward, beause, I really want new friends but, I ssort of suck at takig to people.

and I,
the reasons their pissing me off. . .

well, I have liek two really close friends.
I just,
she. . .
Shes like, she thinks its weird im not talking about people I like all the time, but if I do . . . shes all weird about it.
Like, I'd love to tell her about it, If she wasnt such an asshole about it.
I dress weird, okay.
and, I try not to be to horrendously unmatching though you know? Just because it pisses me off a bit, un less its just like, Fuck it, its clean and comfy. im wearing it.
But today, WE were walking aroudn and I was in camo shorts(they're the only clean shorts I have right now) and this blue really comfy shirt(clean and short sleaveeeed) and shes jsut asked why im not wearing the vest she bought me(Red jacket vest, black/grey stripes, red lining, awesome hood)(and the previous day she was complaining cuz it didnt match with what i was wearing) and im just like. . . It woulsnt really match y'knnow, and shes just like, So? you dont care, you wear what you want.
and Im just
fuck you.
fuck you you fucking asshole.
and she says shit- like mumbling yknow - liek how she doesnt think I'll every like have kids or be with some one, and shell say 'em one time were its like, you know im gonna hear it, but, when im like "what" shes just Nothing!
Holy fuck. If youre gonna be that kind of attrocious asshole, at least own up to it you fucking cock suckign whoreish cunt.
 and shes always bitching she not social or popular or what ever
and its like
shut the fuck up
you have so many more friends then I do(she always like, Youre my only friend~~~!), people like you, people think youre pretty, people what to date you - thats another thing.
she says people dont like her, bbut the guys who obviously do, like, look at her and smile and shit, and obviously want to get with her, If she doesnt find them attractive, then theyre creepy. Seriously. If a guy she deems attractive does the exact same thing, she loves it. shes so fucking shallow and I hate it. I hate it.
So much.
Shes also one of Those People.
SHe wants to leave her school now(ive been bugging her since school has started) just because her boyfriend wants to break up with her.

my other friend,
Shes really pretty okay.
and like, I love her.
I do
Shes a best friend
But Im really just not hers.
I hate it.
Shes great and amazing, and I wish she could see that.
But, shes always complaining that shes not pretty or shit. and im just,
I wish I was half as attractive as you are.
Fuck, okay so, we're really close to my cousin, okay,
And, she tells him everything. like, everything, Boys, clothes, family and its just,
I hate she doesnt trust me at all.
and, anyway, my cousin talks to this other girl alot now to, and yeah, shes pretty and cool, and blonde/white.
well, I tihnks shes a bit of a prick, but shes alright, and alot of people like her.
And so, she gets so pissy if hes talking to her.
shes cried.
while She, Him, her, and I were walking. (She jsut turned a different street then us) and im just. . . Im right here. I
I want to takl to you.
I liek to talk to you.
talk to me.
Im here.
shit it really fucking hurts when that shit happens, okay.
adn shes just
shes one of those people that pussys out of debates adn im just fuck
 no you strated this, come back and get your proper fucking asskicking, or kick mine. one or the other, douchebag!
but thats my problem
but, what realy pisses me off
she s always like
I wanna make memories!
I wanna do something new!
Just waiting for something new and exciting to happen!
I love doing crazy things with friends!
she doesnt
at all
I sugeust some stuff, and she just looks at me weird
I want to do interesting things
i dotn want to sit on my ass all day
 I want friends who will do things with me!
 and last year, I wanted to go to homecoming, and dances, and games, and
she didnt want to.
So, I had no one else to go with.
so i was screwed
but this year, she says she wants to go.
SO we probably will.
I feel like I got to now.
becacuse she wants me to
i hate she wont do this shit for me
I dont know.

Friends are getting tiring
and boring
and I hate it

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