Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today, I jsut
I started ut really depressed as it was.
I havent sleeped great, or done much,
as I gave myslef a bit of whiplash  on sunday.
I just felt like shit in the first place.
then I had to skip out on PE, And one of my favorite stretches(one of the few that always make me feel really relaxed, and well, awesome) hurt me while I sat up (fuck you whiplash.).
SO that was prety much the opisite of awesome. It sucks majorly, and like, any other time Id love to not me running or shit, but, I really need to.
Then in W.History we watched a 9/11 video.
I didnt want to stay in class.
If id been closer to the door,  and i would have gotten in so many peoples way I would have gone an waited outside.

you know,
when somethings going on.
and people are talking to you about it
and it like,
something you dont really want people making a big deal about it,
except like, a few people you want to notice
but that person never does.
and that just makes you feel like shit

Like, I didnt want it to be a big deal
I didnt liek it being a deal
and it like, well, if its gonna be a deal, at least they'll probably make a deal of it too?
I can deal with it then.


My spanish teacher lke hates me or sometihng and kept me back about an hour to do worksheets i'd completed in the first 20minutes. . .

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