Friday, September 21, 2012

GRYLES. (omygodokayywahjustignoreme)

OKay, yeah
i know
I just
I need it in writing somewhere for when my friend barates me for liking Gryles more than Larry now cuz shes a total Larry shipper.
Its jsut
I believe Larry was real
and might just be on the fence now
or . . . maybe resently over, cause I've been hearing Lou seemed real jealous in some interview by grimmy, I just havent found the interview yet.
And anyway,
I tihnk
you know
mybe Lou didnt really want to come out, or was having troubles with that whole thing.
Depending on how you feel
Thats why Louis got with Eleanor/ was okay with management getting him Eleanor.
Harry didnt liek that
and was hanging with Grimmy
and yeah
friendship and shit and would yell/cry/tears/Emotion about Louis not wanting to come out or like, Yeah, with him
and then just
you now
relationship happened.
oh my gos
im sorry.
I could have said all of this a whole fucking lot better
by I dont give a damn
the jist of my thoughts is down in . . .writing

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