Saturday, September 1, 2012

I feel weird seeing that none of my last few post have had any sort of substance to them :T
(not that I usually do, but hey.)
YOu know like, anything i've been doing, or school or somthing. . .

let me tic off a few things

I cant run
at all..
i also suck at handball
I liked the official handball balls better
we're using these shitty sorta dodgeball balls now instead.
they sting
and are small
and sort of deflating?
 If I hear that loud ass attention seeking whore scream in my ear one more fuckign time, I swear to god, her face, her face will be something she can actually bitch about.
She was pitching a fit about not knowing who was on her team and not knowing what to do while chatting to some other girl on my team, so I'm blockign this other chick, and theres one whos actually really good(the one i was blocking is just mega fuck tall, and will take a shot at everytihng) so I tell LoudAss that she can go block that other chick. She says okay. . . looks back at the girl, like atmost, 2 feet from her, and says "no thats too far" and jsut stays chatitn to the girl, and I just roll my eyes and go back to watching the dude with the ball, and the other girl shes chatting to is just like, you can go blocker her. and im jsut ajfdkjasdjkfjasdfBLOCKINGSOMEONEELSEATM.SORRYIFYOUCANTSEETHATYOUHORRENDOUS WHORE.

actually learnign shit now!
thats good enough for me tbh.
better than figuring out who you are shit.

Im pretty sure this teacher hates my table.
Its the only class I have friends in
And were alway talking about random shit and not knwoing whats going on
we also bring the most food to snack on
we each bring a food and share,
its fun.
But the teacher, i think, glares at us alot.

just assigns us to copy down charts and shit for homework thatll tell us how to do said homework
its jsut
Shes still weird :T

. . .
I really dont likethis teacher
I have been taught nothing
she has terrible grammar.
She yells at us about our grammar
then assigns homework with paragraphs and questions she wrote herself
and shit makes no sence
She also has a accent
that wouldnt be that bad,
if she didnt talk so goddamn fast
like holyshit
the fuck you saying bro.

Shes still a french teacher
Im pretty sure she doesnt like me
but I dont know why
i pay attention
I know my goddamn fucking times
I can answer the questions she asks me
I do the homewrk
Its jsut
did you know
they abbreviate French AP
get this

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