Saturday, February 25, 2012

White blank page

Damn good song.

and now, For no reason, lets see what I think this song is about :D

"Can you lie next to her; And give her your heart, your heart; As well as your body; And can you lie next to her; And confess your love, your love"

Doubting someones ability truely love someone, all of them, with their mind as well as their body. i.e., be in love with someones personality, but completely rejected by their body? (het. person liking some one of the same sex) the writer of  the song probably didnt believe they were either, but its covering grounds.
seeing as the singer is male, they would either be singing to an girl, trying to convince people she loved this woman,"can you lie next to her" , OR, singing to another male trying to convince people hes het.. . . i honestly believe the second is more possible. so lets roll with this. especially cuz the next line:

"And can you kneel before the king; And say I'm clean, I'm clean"

reviewing this as religious. because -
King - noun:  
1. a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people.
2.( initial capital letter ) God or Christ.
saying your 'clean' to and authority or God? 'I have not sinned'.  . . . what were we talking about again? oh, yeah- a male trying to convince people hes not gay. do i have to explain further?

next line that could be not so self explainable:

"You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections"
ever see anything with a closeted kid, who likes another, and sort of kind of makes it obvious enough, maybe might even do something to the person to show them that they want them to notice/like/want them? yeah? well, see the other part some times were that other kid does like/want them enough, so  they goand make a move. then the closet case... what did he do? "denied my affections, my affections"
i had fun :T
we've been doing stuff like this in one of my classes. but they're usally no fun. 

oh, or maybe it was just for Castiel and Dean(;

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