Monday, February 27, 2012

Self-harm awarness day.

Telling you in advance. its on March 1st.

and, I've got this really good Idea for it . . .
but I dont know if it could betaken as offensive or not. . .
so, Can you please tell me if you think it is???

so... (backstory time:T) one of my close friend has a friend in her science class (it actually is a friend, I've met her.) and apparently, she does do some self-harm (my friend wont tell me exactly whats up, and i respect that), so we've been making this box for her, hoping that she sees that a lot of people care. on top of the box, i wanna give her Orange ribbons and beaded bracelets, and of course, we would wear these too.
I want to convince my friend that we should make shirts for the self harm awareness day, saying something about how you shouldnt cut or something(and well make sure it comes across in no way offensive. both of us have had our bouts of depression.) I want to print up  awareness slips with all those phone numbers i posted a while ago(here), as well as put them in the friends box. I would like to get friends to help me find people to sign this sheet of paper with a bunch of positive stuff on it... and all, you know?
and to represent the fat this is suppose to be the day your able to be more open about your own self harm , i was thinking we could take red markers and put little lines and stuff on clothes and skin. . . you know?

And i would also appreciate it if you also chose to wear orange ribbons or orange beaded bracelets. please, support this awareness day.

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