Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day.

I dont understand people who are pissed about Valentines day.
like, those people who only hate it becasue they're single.
now hear me out, and  im just gonna say(to make sure you have no doubt) I am single.
but, I dont hate Valentines day. I think the idea of it is sort of cute. I like all the media there is made jsut for today. I like another holiday for the calanders. I love thse tiny heart shaped candies with those stupid/funny/sweet things written on them. I like seeing other people so bloody happy.
but over all, it does feel  just like a normal day to me.
I think its lame for people to hate it just because their single. I think its lame you purposely look up things being anti-valentines. I think its lame when you pop peoples balloons and ruin their flowers and tell them that their just falling into a media scam. It even more lame, when you tell people that the relationship must not be strong if you need a special day to show your love.

just saying.

although, I do find the day we choose and the name for it stupid. :)

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