Friday, February 10, 2012

Facts about me that would suprise even my closest friends.


1. I am suprisingly a very deep thinker when im alone
2. I hate being really really really alone.
3. I dont want to as much of an ass as I am. (holy crap, say that 5 timesfast.)
4. cry alot.
5. I crush on alot of people. But the biggest crushes are always on people I really shouldnt be.
6. I love those heart shaped candys on valentines day, that have sappy/funny/stupid things on them.
7. I never want(or wanted to) do any drugs or drink.
8. I think being a donor  is great, But i never will be myself.
9. I am terrible with any sort of rejection.
10. failure is a huge fear of mine.

people always react weird when they find out i'm actually a civil and nice person. seriously. My friend Andrea, I was hanging out with her out of school the other day, and we ran into another group of people, and she was liek (total shock)"oh my god, your actually really nice...."

my counselor last year, She came to shake my hand  and I stood up to shake it and introduce my self, and held the door for people, and my assistant principle(also in the room) mumble somthing about "suprisingly good manners"

every one thinks im a stoner.

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