Friday, February 3, 2012

Crab Feed + My schedule this weekend.

Crab feed was pretty cool :)
there was this guy that I swear, i swear, looked like Sebastian from glee. was acting like the ass too.
then, there was this other guy who was.... god.... so Adorable! brown short scraggly hair skinskinskinny cuuuuuuute :)  ((he reminded me of charles (from TS) but a bit skinnier, and a bit more facial blemishes. but its cuuuuute.

now my Schedule.
School 8am - 3pm
walk home 3.15 - 3.56
Crab feed 4.15 - 10.48
work on scinece shit rest of day.

8.30 - 3 school for science.

10.30 - 12.40 Church
3 - ? Uncles so i can watch football i dont care about and eat dnner i hate.

that 3 o'clock spot was suppose to be a movie with friends(planed since thursday) but no. just been informed i have to go to mu uncles. cuz people suck.

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