Sunday, February 19, 2012

Skins(series 4)

end of effys episode. . .wtf? who even saw that coming? i mean, I knew freddie died....
but that was out of the fucking blue.
and, i hated that in the last episode you didnt get to see cook beat the shit of of the dude.
i now lots of people were pissong over the lose ends... but i think it was nice. i mean, you dnt really know were life goes do you? I like being able to assume.
plus this way, what happens to them might be a bit better that what would happen to the characters if you let these writers have their way with 'em. (;
i really wanted to see tonys actor back on just for a little bit in effys episode. . .i mean, maybe even just the voice but.... jeez. :P
i like the Naomi/ Emily stuff. they wrote and acted it out very well. . .and they just remind me of a genderbent Matt and Mello.
I think the only character from this generation that I like all the way through was JJ.
i mean i liked cook by the end, liked freddie in the beginning, pandora had he off and ons. . . Katie you get to likeing my theend. . . Naomi I didnt like in the middle, and Emily i only really liked in the beginning. thomas i liked in the beginning.

any way. I saw the opening for series 5. I liekd the music for it. wasnt to fond of series 4 opening music. . .lmao.

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