Saturday, February 25, 2012


Yeah, lots happend today.

first we went to a Bigfoot museum. it was a bit strage... as the guy who was talking to us about it was.

then we went to this.. forest red wood what everpark ad walked around. n the store there, there was this guy who looked so much like my friends brother((family name Gallagher)) it was crazy. He was pretty cute too :T

then i was goofing around with my friend in some shopping center thing(thats not where i live/go to school, so i figure i wontsee anyone i knew.)), and i was yelling hey and shit like that a people who walked by, and I yell at these guys that i dont think I know and dont have a good look at em, but then i recognize one of them and im all like "ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitooooohfuuuckwhyarepeoplehereohshit" and my friend just laughed at me :T

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