Saturday, February 25, 2012

Journey 2, the Mysterious Island

saw that today.
It was alright.
a few plot fallouts, but it was alright.

Not much i can say with out ruining it, but i can say, for a fact, this:
they really could have had a slight more amount of fanservice.
either the guy or the chick.
fuck, Even 'hank' (Dwayne Johnson :T) didnt have anything.
And, the thing that makes it bad is the fact that the guy and chick totally had the opportunity to.
In the beginning, guy canges shirt, so, instead of leaving it at least a normal frame(which wouldnt have been strange) the up it to only his shoulders.
and then when you first see the chick, Shawn(theguy) is checking her out right, and the camra does the thing they always do where they pan down? hers stopped mid-boob :T not even to  the hips. or navel. or a fucking whole breast. This chick actually had a lot of possiblities, but every time one seemed to show up, it just liek NOPE- angle/frame change!

Oh, and the slow motion? it sucked up the scenes.
just saying.

oh, and if you werer hoping that they'd mention the uncle from the previous movie... nope.

but, I still liked it, though  like i said, it had its problems.

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