Tuesday, February 28, 2012

most anyone would not care about this. . .
and I feel ashamed for even writing it.
but I've gotta say it.

I so deeply wish Joe Jonas were gay.
so very very very much.

but, no, sadly it is for not.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Self-harm awarness day.

Telling you in advance. its on March 1st.

and, I've got this really good Idea for it . . .
but I dont know if it could betaken as offensive or not. . .
so, Can you please tell me if you think it is???

so... (backstory time:T) one of my close friend has a friend in her science class (it actually is a friend, I've met her.) and apparently, she does do some self-harm (my friend wont tell me exactly whats up, and i respect that), so we've been making this box for her, hoping that she sees that a lot of people care. on top of the box, i wanna give her Orange ribbons and beaded bracelets, and of course, we would wear these too.
I want to convince my friend that we should make shirts for the self harm awareness day, saying something about how you shouldnt cut or something(and well make sure it comes across in no way offensive. both of us have had our bouts of depression.) I want to print up  awareness slips with all those phone numbers i posted a while ago(here), as well as put them in the friends box. I would like to get friends to help me find people to sign this sheet of paper with a bunch of positive stuff on it... and all, you know?
and to represent the fat this is suppose to be the day your able to be more open about your own self harm , i was thinking we could take red markers and put little lines and stuff on clothes and skin. . . you know?

And i would also appreciate it if you also chose to wear orange ribbons or orange beaded bracelets. please, support this awareness day.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

White blank page

Damn good song.

and now, For no reason, lets see what I think this song is about :D

"Can you lie next to her; And give her your heart, your heart; As well as your body; And can you lie next to her; And confess your love, your love"

Doubting someones ability truely love someone, all of them, with their mind as well as their body. i.e., be in love with someones personality, but completely rejected by their body? (het. person liking some one of the same sex) the writer of  the song probably didnt believe they were either, but its covering grounds.
seeing as the singer is male, they would either be singing to an girl, trying to convince people she loved this woman,"can you lie next to her" , OR, singing to another male trying to convince people hes het.. . . i honestly believe the second is more possible. so lets roll with this. especially cuz the next line:

"And can you kneel before the king; And say I'm clean, I'm clean"

reviewing this as religious. because -
King - noun:  
1. a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people.
2.( initial capital letter ) God or Christ.
saying your 'clean' to and authority or God? 'I have not sinned'.  . . . what were we talking about again? oh, yeah- a male trying to convince people hes not gay. do i have to explain further?

next line that could be not so self explainable:

"You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections"
ever see anything with a closeted kid, who likes another, and sort of kind of makes it obvious enough, maybe might even do something to the person to show them that they want them to notice/like/want them? yeah? well, see the other part some times were that other kid does like/want them enough, so  they goand make a move. then the closet case... what did he do? "denied my affections, my affections"
i had fun :T
we've been doing stuff like this in one of my classes. but they're usally no fun. 

oh, or maybe it was just for Castiel and Dean(;

Girl Scout Cookies.

you must go buy those new lemons ones. the savannah smiles.
they're freaking amazing and i love them.
I dont want them to change ):
so go buy them.
please :)


Yeah, lots happend today.

first we went to a Bigfoot museum. it was a bit strage... as the guy who was talking to us about it was.

then we went to this.. forest red wood what everpark ad walked around. n the store there, there was this guy who looked so much like my friends brother((family name Gallagher)) it was crazy. He was pretty cute too :T

then i was goofing around with my friend in some shopping center thing(thats not where i live/go to school, so i figure i wontsee anyone i knew.)), and i was yelling hey and shit like that a people who walked by, and I yell at these guys that i dont think I know and dont have a good look at em, but then i recognize one of them and im all like "ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitooooohfuuuckwhyarepeoplehereohshit" and my friend just laughed at me :T

Journey 2, the Mysterious Island

saw that today.
It was alright.
a few plot fallouts, but it was alright.

Not much i can say with out ruining it, but i can say, for a fact, this:
they really could have had a slight more amount of fanservice.
either the guy or the chick.
fuck, Even 'hank' (Dwayne Johnson :T) didnt have anything.
And, the thing that makes it bad is the fact that the guy and chick totally had the opportunity to.
In the beginning, guy canges shirt, so, instead of leaving it at least a normal frame(which wouldnt have been strange) the up it to only his shoulders.
and then when you first see the chick, Shawn(theguy) is checking her out right, and the camra does the thing they always do where they pan down? hers stopped mid-boob :T not even to  the hips. or navel. or a fucking whole breast. This chick actually had a lot of possiblities, but every time one seemed to show up, it just liek NOPE- angle/frame change!

Oh, and the slow motion? it sucked up the scenes.
just saying.

oh, and if you werer hoping that they'd mention the uncle from the previous movie... nope.

but, I still liked it, though  like i said, it had its problems.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have ashes on my face.

ash wednesday, jsutincase you didnt know.

and, becasue we sat in center, I got the ashes from our priest.
andhe likes to put alot of everything.
so,  my forehead has been sort of smudged all black. i;ve cleaned my nose and cheeks.

I'm getting up at 9 in the  moring tomorrow :T

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hell Girl.

watching Hell Girl :T

because i almost reached the ending of season 1 of supernatural, and i just ... bleeg.

seems like a pretty cool series, if the first episode is any sign.

but netflix  only has the first 26 episodes. . .

reminds me of Death note in very many ways.
the whole "you write the name you go to hell" thing. (well, actually Death note it was neither heaven nor hell, but hey.)
also, Hell girls animation is alot worse. not terrible though. 

is it obsessive that i can know which voice actor is which every now and then. . . ?
no. probably not, cuz its just a few voiceactors. . . alright then.

What do you think would happen if some impatient person just pulled the red string after she gave it to them? like they didnt wait for her to add on that whole "you go to hell too" bit?
or, OR, what if they are "ready to confess their sins", in stead of denying it?
also, also, also, what if someone else pulled the string?
whatwould happen if you choose to not pull the string and jsut ignore the doll forever?
AND, what if you send in one name, and after they go to hell, you sned in another one a while later??

oh, oh, also,
I get about alot of these people rally do need to be punished. (thisis gonna bea moral check.)
but what do you think?
do they deserve to die?
i mean, if they dont kill anyone, do they need to be killed them selves?

i personally dont think so. . .
punished severely though. yes.

I'm eatting Apple jacks. Like the motherfucking awesome person that I am.(sarcasm:T)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

repost these if you care.

Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253


(Here)(im updating this as I go along :T)

you are olivedrab

Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.

Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.


76% Of The Internet Loves Me!

I'm an invisible anvil.

I am not really normal
On average, the things I do are 61.6% normal.

 im a