Sunday, May 6, 2012


did i tell you about the grease thing at school?
well we had oour final party tonight....
ansd it really rocked for a while. . .  .

I (tryed to) talked with stacy, and shes cool.  .  .until she gave me images of lucas jerking off to katy perry songs into my mind. . . it was so disturbing. . .
but anyway, they were also playing twister back to stage right, and the was hilarious to watch.
plus the people dancing around randomly.
that was preatty cool.
i just wish i could dance well!(joking there. Im actually making fun of this bitch there who would stand around say that she wished she could dance.)

that bitch was actually my friend.
or. . . i thought. . .
but seeing as she thinks i would push her off a fucking chair when i move to catch her just in case she falls. and doesnt understand why i give a fuck about her life or her fucking welll being. i dont even fuckign know.
she wount talk to me about shit for . .fuck. i dont even..................

fuck.  . .im sorry fro all the probable spelling and grammar mistakes in this but. . .

it was really  fun night. . . for the most part... .till the end were the. ...

okay so, next year: joinning ITS. jif i dont, slap me.

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