Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother Day!

i got up at 8, made bacon, eggs, 4 different types of toast(plain, pizza, buttered, peanutbutter/nutella), and a hard boiled egg., got orange juice, milk, water, coffee, hot chocolate. cleaned the bedside table, and served that for my mother.
suprisingly still fun.

but my dad did wake me up at 4 in the morning due to seeing  a ghost. and apperently i was sleeping with my eyes open for a bout a minute before he got my to wake up, which i apperently did by just sitting straight up quickly going What?!. . . apparently scarred the shit out of him.

other news, i got some faux plugs(and tapers, but i m wearing the plugs now.) and i havent worn earrings in so long,  i feel like i just fucking repierced my ears.

also, saw avengers last night.. .
it was awesome:)

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