Monday, May 21, 2012


i dont think ive talked about it in a while.
I hate your domestic violence plot.
why? because you're not writing about domestic violence. you're writing about violence agents woman. there is a difference. This sort of mistake is why men in abusive heterosexual and homosexual relationships cant  get help. Domestic violence is a two way street. so, when Roz Washington asks why bieste didnt just hit him back, WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. unless it was more than just one hit, and he was still trying to attack her, theres no selfdefence in it. Oh, and by the way, domestic violence is also child abuse. not just violence agents woman. but violence and abuse within the household. so glee. go rewrite your fucking scripts.

Also, alto of people are complaining about lack of Klaine. I included, but I really feel liek they may just be winding it up for the season finale. Like seriously, if we dont get a kiss tomorrow, then we can bitch and moan, but i reallythink they're just winding us up.. .

i've been assigned by my huge directioner friend to  watch all the Xfactor video diarys. so . good day.

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