Monday, April 30, 2012

. . .
I've gotten back into MSI.

I dont know how I was eveer out of this stuff.

anyway. . .
I told you guys  agout the grease thing right?
Well, i have a break from it til wednesday now.
I had something important to say, but i forgot it. . .

so, in PE we started swimming.

but im allergic to chlorine, so I get to be 'junior lifegaurd assistant' which means i stand around the teacher and unlock the door for them cuz they get to go in early.

but anyway,
guy i like is in that class. and, Dear God, he is the whitest kid I have ever seen, apart from myself. like, seriously. Dude is reflective . . . along with alot of other things i cant from into words with out seeming creepy as fuck but holyshit.


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