Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Marianas Trench, Ever After.

I listen to the album all the way home. and i have 3 things to say.

1. "How can one of us still feel blessed when the other one's lost?"(By Now)
    For some reason, I feel this line would be so much better if it was ". . .while the other ones fucked" I don't know why.

2. "Who'll be my Montague now, /To this broken Capulet /How..." (Toy Soldiers)
     wasn't 'Montague' Romeo? and 'Capulet' Juliet? so . . . alright then. I won't judge.
3. "Your talk is small, I'm seven inches tall"(By Now)
      Oh ho hoh.

All the  songs are great though. Just... had to share:P

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