Thursday, April 12, 2012

Great America.

I went today.
For the first time in  just about a year.
And it was pretty cool. No one was really there, and it was alright weather for awhile.

My friends made me go on that Pirate ship ride that goes upside down. We wereso lucky no one else was on that ride, Cause I freaked the fuck out. I was cussing my friend out, and I'm sure the workers were laughing at me after.
They also made me go on Delirium. I hated that so fucking much.
Oh, and just in case you didnt know, Those rides are not at all nice to the male gender. Justsoyouknow.
they also had me go on that  mouse ride thing what ever thats jerky and shit. I did not like.

I also tried sushi.

and then spit it out.

Near the end of the day we went on that water ride with the tube like thing whatever.
And we were actually pretty dry.
and commenting on how surprisingly dry we were.
then we passed the spot were the people can put quarters in to spray water on us.

to make a short story shorter, My friend ended up comparing me to a cat with drenched with water.
and I cussed out a bunch of little kids before flipping them all off.
now in retrospect . . .

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