Thursday, April 26, 2012


and the lack of.

and why.

(im apoloogizing now for any bad spelling/grammar mistakes, Im to tired to fix anything or focus.)

Im participating in this school musical thingy(GREASE!), just as stage crew, and its eatting up my time rediculously.

we get an hour inbetween the end of school and start of rehersal, which i use to walk home (20 minutes), change(10 minutes), get food/eat(20), get my pack read(5), drive to school(3).
then I get home around 9, and usally have abou tan hour to eat, do homework, shower, change before i go  to bed.

opening ngiht is tommorrw, then i have a show on saterday, may 3rd, 4th, and 5th, and reharsal may 2nd.
but,, finally i should be more free after that.
plus i had a powerpoint to do for music, and have a spanish project to work on (what sunday is for.)(ill talk more about that later.)
aaaaaaaaadnnnd. . . .

well yeah thats it.

hope your doing welll.

talk to you. . .
o geez... hopefully soon.

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