Monday, April 9, 2012

Shadow of the Colossus.

I feel this requires a small amount of backstory.
So here we go.

Okay, so on Saturday, everyone was out of house, so, I wanted to play Bully and Kingdom Hearts in the living room(we have a new Vizio tv). So I got the PS2 in here, and . . . couldnt find the chord for the tv.
Due to the fact that the TV we had in the garage was so old, the chord I had been using was lowest quality possible.
by the time I find one for it, every ones home:T
So I played Kingdom Hearts for a bit while comcast guy went around our house setting shit up(i think he was laughing at me when I cussed at Wakka and 'whooped' when I beat Riku on the first try.). But then once I'm done my brothers all like "i wanna try this game out on this tv, it had great graphic nd scenery." And im just 'cool, Scenery porn, play that shit up!"
and then. THEN. It was Shadow of the Colossus (betcha didnt see that one coming.). and it was Beautiful. And Wander is pretty bonita. I named Agro Adam(because I thought his name was 'Ago" which I do not like.). I decided Mono was his sister, No mater what you say.

so anyway. Game looked cool. I looked it up, story seemed cool.
Now I'm playing it.
Beat the first 2(1st in three trys(i kept on falling under its feetXD) and the 2nd in two.), using what I remebered from  seeing my brother play. then I figured out third on my own, on first try. the 4th started pissing me off, so i gave up, Gonna do it later. in the morning maybe.

Going to Donner lake tomorrow. staying 'til Tuesday night or wednesday morning.
just me my mom my dad and my cousin. fun.
leaving around 8 or 9.
gonna wake up at 7.
gotta go to bed now.
goodnight :)
Watch:) ThisToo! AndDontForget-!

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